For starters, Dr. P. suggested I might be "getting old before my time." Does this style suit me?
On another front, I was flipping channels earlier and ran across PBS. They had a Celtic music show on. Guess WHY I was watching thus pleasant music show? That's right - Pledge Drive. And then they claim you can watch quality programming just like this throughout the year with your (the viewers) support. NOT. They do have quality programming, I'll admit, but they tend to pull out all the stops during a pledge drive. Apples and oranges I say.
On the flipside, I've been hearing this ad on the radio selling homes. Buy now and we'll give you an extra garage (making a three car garage) for free. For a LIMITED time only . . . Sounds like a ploy to me. Is the glass half full or half empty. If it's half empty, then they probably have built homes that they are trying to get rid of. If the glass is half full, then MAN, I'd better get ah jump on this shit. This deal might not be around for very long. -- Sure enough, at the end of the ad, the smooth, quite, fast talking voice says "offer applies to existing homes only." ONLY! Sucker.IBSAct now! This**IS** your second chance.
I am too crazy to be referred to as "Dr. P". Either K. or ariK will suit me just fine, m'dear. ;-)
Just play'en with words arik. Please let me live long enough to see my next b'day. It's only a month away. Cheer Crazy.
You DO, however, have to capitalize the "K". ;-)
Peace out, babe! ;-)
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