Well the evening is rolling on. After what seems to be a now regular activity after getting home from work, napping, I changed many of the music CD's I've got in my car "wallet." I've had that setup for quite some time. It will be refreshing to have a change of musical options in the car. Dinner tonight was two slices toasted bread with a filling of an egg and a slice of salami. On another note, I've got my appointment set to for the initial consultation with the surgeon who specializes in the hyperparathyroid operation. That will be on April 19th. So the next mission is Dishes!
Something I'm pretty anal about. Here's the scoop. All dishes must be pre-rinsed. Greasy dishes MUST have a pre-wash with soap and paper towel. Now the official washing can begin. Washes progress in the following order (deviation rarely accepted): glasses, silverware, utensils, glass bowls, pots and pans, then skillets. Now we pause. Dry the glasses, outside and rim only, and set on the stove to dry overnight. Dry pots, pans, skillets, and glass bowls. It is, acceptable, to allow the silverware to air dry. Now we move on to washing the plates, bowls, misc items, and finally, plastic containers (from all those leftovers, yummmm). Afterwards, plastic containers are "shaken" to sling off water. Air dry. I've got it down to a science.
So without further delay . . .I'm off to battle. - Cheers.
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