Thursday, May 28, 2009

Down / Happy / Toast

Ever had a moment in which you felt inferior to those around you. That is how I feel now. The guy I work with is soooooooooo much better at doing the kind of troubleshooting to fix equipment than I am. I know I'm better than I think I am, but man, I tell you, this guy is good. Really makes me feel like I'm in the wrong career.

On a happier note, I've gotten into this So You Think You Can Dance show on Fox. I watched the last hour of it last night just to give it a shot (not to mention there was nothing else on that looked better). Got hooked. What grabbed me is several of the dancers did this sort of emotional dancing that is part ballet, part contemporary with some sort of emotional dramatic music in the background. I'm sure there is a name for this style of dance. I saw a style like it several years ago at a dance show here in town. Really liked it then, really like it now.

Well, here's a Scotch toast to my better than me co-worker (he really is a great guy), to this odd sort of dancing above, and to you. Johnnie Walker Swing Scotch. Nothing but the best. $70 bucks a bottle. Good stuff.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Now that I have one month of free use of after doing the speed dating thing, I have just received an "eye contact" from a person. She is 599 miles from me. Here is a portion of her opening paragraph:

Thanks for having interest in me ,i will like to tell you more about myself....
I come from hills where the morning is born, where the time with the sun grows and I have felt the caress of the wind in my face... between mountains and valleys I have been born, I came from the Earth. My name is Eve smith,i was born in 7 July 1970.And i was born in Us but grew up in Spain
because my dad his from USA so after he met my mum in Spain In malaga.they both went back to California to settled.

Hmmmm. Where might this go. One shall never know.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Helping the Economy

I helped the economy this week:

Tuesday: Speed dating event, $37
Wednesday: Lunch with gang, $8
Wednesday: Dinner, (w/tip) $15
Thursday: Lunch with gang, $9
Thursday: Baseball game and eats, $20
Friday: Ditch the economy and go home.

Total: $89
All in a weeks work.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another day

Here's a belated birthday wish to ME!

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear Mighty,
Happy birthday to ME!

As of yesterday, here's to 39 years of life. May there be many more to come.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Went to a friends college graduation party last night. I ate way too much food and woke up early this morning feeling uncomfortable in the tummy. Watched a little television and then decided to drive out to watch the sun rise.

I Surely do not do this often enough.

On the way home, ran into this surprise . A small hot air balloon rally.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Unhappy computer UPS system.

New battery that goes into said UPS system.

Bottom cover of UPS system that really does not fit with new battery because new battery is just a tad bigger than old / original battery.

My frustration with getting this to work.

(insert imagination here)

Well that battery does not quite fit, but I can get the cover to squeeze in enough to hold. Plug it in and wait a day for the battery to charge. But alas, the computer will not turn ON. Wait another day. Same story after four day's. Other devices plugged into the UPS work fine. If I plug the computer into another standard outlet with an extension cord, it powers up just fine. Go figure. Pull battery today and call place I bought it to see if they can offer suggestion. No luck. Bring battery home and put it back in for fun. HERE we are folks! Weird.

Had a nice rain the other day and here is the aftermath as viewed from my mom's place. A pleasant surprise.

And we took a trip to the Cochita Lake and camped a couple of day's. More please.

The fiasco with the UPS killed about 10 day's so I'm sure my personal email is overflowing with joy. Time to check it out.