Friday, April 6, 2007

And here comes surgery.

Well, looks like I'm on my way to the slicing table after seeing the endocrinologist today. Here's some background info. A few weeks before Christmas, I went to see the doctor regarding an issue with an erratic heart beat. While I was there, I got on the subject of some other odd issues I'd been dealing with and wondered if it was just me or if it might be something else. These issues included: seeming to be overly tired a lot, inability to stay awake in class (I'm working full time while taking classes part time), an inability to stay awake as well as concentrate while doing homework in the evening, and a few other things that I'd noticed that tended to make me sleepy, such as having a bright light shine in my eyes at an angle (like ceiling lights), and dry eyes from air conditioning systems.

Doc said he didn't think it was anything, but lets run a few test just to be sure. After multiple blood test, a 24-hour urine screen, a radiology scan, x-ray's, and a CAT scan, the results are in folks . . . apparently I've got hyperparathyroidism. One node (there are four of these glands) in the lower left corner of my thyroid. Three of the test don't leave much of a doubt that this is the case. So my next move is an appointment with the top notch surgeon (who specializes in this surgery) at Lovelace to meet-n-greet and talk things over with her. I'll make that appointment Monday.

I have some reservations about this, but at the same time find it VERY interesting. In doing some research into this condition, most (reputable) sources will tell you that symptoms will vary from person to person and that you amy experience no symptoms to many and in variing degree's. One source made the claim that in many cases, taking care of the problem is "a life changing event." Now I'm really curious.

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