Thursday, April 12, 2007

One minute, fifty seconds

That's how long it took me to log onto the web on dial-up. Blazing right along at the speed of . . . something, well okay, 56K! Well when Iaa get maa nuew compota, en Iaa yupgraad maa fone suhvisss tuh hii sped, then Iaa be mov'en. Til then, dial-up, 56K. You'd be surprised how you can get used to it after a while. You just have to change your perspective of time. You know. Open a new web page, take a bathroom break. Go to a page that has a lot of photo's on it, take a nap (wait - my personal coach has suggested I try not taking naps) or maybe a walk around the block. Download a file, start it before you go to bed. You know the drill. Buut when Iaa get maa nuew compota . . .

Okay, so what's new here? Not a damn thing. During mental down times at work today, I've contemplated a potential move away from the electrical engineering field, then spent some time after work browsing the subjects. Possibilities, possibilities. psychology, chemistry, biology, computer science. Now the question to ask myself is, "What types of activities do I enjoy doing at work?" "Throughout my working career, what activities have a tended to gravitate to given the opportunity?" And, "Should I stay technical/scientific or no-holds-bared approach?" Things to ponder. Even I have to give it more thought. So . . .

23 minutes, 7 seconds. The time its been since I started to log on. So where's hi-speed coming from? Quest I tell you. DSL. After considering DSL and cable, I'm going DSL. I'm currently with MCI phone service. I pay around $45 / month for a service I rarely use. All part of their Neighborhood plan. Well Quest is offering basic phone service for $13 / month with long distance at 10 cents a minute. Hi-speed kicks in with $30 / month, and I figure another $10 - 15 / month for taxes and surcharges. So I'll only be out another $10 - 15 a month from what I'm ALREADY used to paying. Sounds like a plan to me!

Let's see - 29 minutes, 36 seconds. I guess I'd better head off to bed. While some folks seem to have problems falling asleep, I tend to have problems say'en awake. Go figure.

[Spell check, formating, and dictionary - 34 minutes, 33 seconds.]

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