Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

I bet there are a lot of post in blog land titled "Happy Halloween." Let me be the next to add to that list. As well as the host of other people who have uttered the words in your direction today.

Well the front office folks at work put out some food this morning.

I ate a stick of the corn tortilla roll and some of the the green chili stew. I also ate a mountain of the crackers and a few pieces of the fruit. Well something didn't settle in right as my tummy did not feel good the rest of the day. I ended up just working through lunch. I ate something around 7:00 tonight and I think that has settle in OK. It is finally beginning to feel better - or is that the V.S.O.P. helping? The world may never know.

Well the High School next to my work was in the Halloween spirit - JUST ADD AIR.

And while on the subject of Halloween, I went to a couple of Halloween parties last week Saturday. Here's my costume.

That's right, Caribbean Pirate. Spirit (the Halloween store) offered it for $29.95. At the cash register - $21.95. Oh YEAH! Bargain. At least I look sober in this pic. We won't mention later in the evening. Went to two parties. The first from about 7 to 10:30. The next . . . well, let's say that I did not go to bed until 5:30 - A.M. I think the last time I was up that late was at one of this gals parties last year. I did not start feeling normal until Tuesday. Well worth it cause the party was a blast!

It's time to start winding down here. Let's begin by floating into a bit of serenity.

Breath deep now because we are going to extend that serenity.

Oh YEAH! Isn't that better. Hope your Halloween was a blast. I'm going to chill a bit, then hit the sack. I took a walk around the neighborhood tonight to see all the ghost and goblins on All Hollows Night. Spooky stuff I tell ya.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Moutain Fall

Well, here we are again. Went out to look at the Fall colors this last weekend in the Santa Fe National Forest.

Looks like we kind of missed it.

On the bright side, the weather was GREAT! Could absolutely, positively, not ask for a nicer day. Then to top it off, I took Monday off of work. Still did not get all the things done I wanted to, but at least, made a dent in it. I could have used another day I tell ya. Oh well.

Its been a good week so far at work. No complaints there. Otherwise, time is cruising right on by. October is already coming to a close. I'm just not used to this much free time. But yet, I'm keeping myself busy and it is bedtime before I know it.

Speaking of before I know it, it's getting close to my late night snack. Gotta get ready. Chow!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Parking Lot

Ohhhhh!!! The freeway a parking lot. You'd better believe it. I've seen traffic backed up at this location, but never like this.

Now I'm sitting on the freeway interchange from I25 N to I40 W. Luckily, I was off at the next exit. AND - so were A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE. You see, this stretch of freeway is one of only three way's to get across the river to the West Side. Now the way to the next closest bridge across the river just happens to be on my way home! Can you see where this is going? Again, I've seen backups before where folks get off at my exit and go down a couple of streets, then back on the freeway. Leaving only a short bit of pain for me before I'm in the clear. Not today. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was on their way to the next bridge. I skipped several streets hoping I knew more about my neighborhood then they do. Fat chance. Did I say I've never seen it this bad? It took me 40 minutes to get home. Normally, about 15 minutes when I leave work at the time I did.

In - other more pleasant news, the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta is going on. Took this yesterday at a stop light just off the freeway.

The Balloon Fiesta will be going on through Sunday. Unless we get more bad weather. Last Sunday morning's events were cancels due to rain and wind. The weather man yesterday said that a storm is rolling in Friday that may bring SNOW! Please not now, pleeeeeease. Not because the Fiesta is happening, but because I'm such a cold weather wimp.

Had a doctor's appointment yesterday too. Things are looking good and I'm going on a trial run going off the high blood pressure meds. Let's hope for the best folks.