Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wasting Time

Topic: Food Grater

Food graters grate, well, food. So, therefore, they should do just fine grating salt pork. Right? Folks, don't try this at home. What sounded like a good idea at the time does NOT make the grade. After this grater sitting on my counter top since Thanksgiving of, OF - 2005, I finally bit the bullet and made an attempt to clean it.

Method: Hot boiling water in a sauce pan.
Results: Absolutely, positively, not happen'en Mission Control.

I thought boiling water would melt the fat off the grater. Nope!

Plan B: Now that it's soft, use a tooth pick to remove it from grates.
Results: Absolutely, positively, not happen'en folks.

Turns out that there's too much of the shit on there, and it's hard to remove it from the holes. After all this work, the funny part is that I'm trying to clean it in preparation for making a donation run to Goodwill. This item cost $2 to $3 bucks at the store and I tried to do the right thing. Outta teach me, huh.

Conclusion: Don't mix graters and salt pork. SAVE your TIME. Trash it instead.
Time wasted: 35 minutes.

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