Sunday, April 8, 2007

On a seperate note . . .

. . . what the hell have I been up to today? Well I thought I would get a head start on shopping by heading out the door around noon. I had several stops to make and expected this endeavor to eat a good portion of the afternoon. All I really ate was time. That is the wasted time to even drive to these places. This town pretty much shut down today. I don't think I've ever noticed it before, but thin again, I don't think I've ever tried a shopping spree on Easter Sunday. I did manage to pickup a few pairs of new jeans at Sears, so it wasn't a total waste, but statistically, it was. Or was it? Hmm.

The rest of the afternoon became a challenge of deciding how best to kill time. I know, let's take a walk to the park. Stayed there for a short bit, but was somewhat crowded with the Easter Party Groups. Head back to camp. I know, let's wash those new jeans, piddle on the computer, and ponder other things. Then an afternoon nap unexpectedly killed about 90 minutes. Put away the pile of music CD's that had been scattered around the apartment and then a telephone chat with K. Dinner followed (see previous post) and here I am.

I have noticed one thing though since I more-or-less bailed on school for the semester. That is, what do I do with all this free time now? It is hard to realize just how much working full time and going to school part time keeps me so busy. Much to the point of sacrificing any development of personal interest. A very strange feeling to find myself staring at four walls indeed.

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