Friday, April 27, 2007

Change of plans

Well there is nothing like starting the day off and then having a wrench thrown at it. I was all ready to start a project this morning. I was getting suited up to go into the lab and then it hit me . . . Oh MAN. I gotta dice with this guy at 9:30. Shit. I made this realization around 8:45 and I really cannot start the project and quit midway if ya know what I mean. So I did some semi-quasi useful stuff until then. But then, the guy shows up with a "I'll be ready in about 10 minutes." Okay man, that's cool. Thirty five minutes later . . . So I'm now eating lunch and will get the original plan started after I take a walk outside to suck up this awesome weather.

I will have to say that, for now, I'm functioning quite well despite last nights sleep deprivation. You see, K. invited me over for chow. While out for chow, I locked my key's in the car! AAA to the rescue! Thankfully, K. had her cell phone. After all that excitement was over, head over to her place to chat a bit. THEN, someone turned up the heater! Ice please.

1 comment:

Kiley said...

I plead the 5th. ;-)