Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
In other news, I got my newsletter from Lovelace (that's whom I have medical insurance with through work). The back page has their "New Year's Challenge." The ten things you can do to improve your health. In condensed form . . .
(1) Exercise, (2) Drink water instead of other stuff, (3) eat more whole foods and vegetables, (4) chose better carbohydrates - avoid white flour, rice, sweets, eat more greens -n- beans, (5) get away from the boob-tube - get physical, pickup hobbies, learn something, (6) enhance your bonds with friends and family, (7) Have a little bit of your own fun everyday, (8) Do something nice for others each day, (9) See your doc regularly, and (10) have some quite time everyday.
There ya go folks! Ah better you in 2009.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Giving Thanks
that I can not help but think about the hundreds of tons of food that we, in the USA, will throw away today while hundreds of people in Dar fur and other such places will die from malnutrition. What a shame that we take for granted that which we have so much of.
Peace - Mighty.
For my gifts, they were themed this year: Miley Cyrus RULES !!! I got so many gifts related to her. I'll go over the listings later. But for now, I've got to get back to cooking supper. The dish is in the oven, but needs a little TLC now.
So with that in mind, hope your Christmas was great. See Ya! Mighty.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Being this close to the Sandia's provides a good view of the antenna's at the top.
Certainly how Albuquerque communicates.
So last night, I'm watching the show Hero's. Now last week, the ending of the show says "Don't miss the season finally next week." So at the end of last nights episode, they state that the new season of Hero's starts in January. Complete with previews. To me the end of a season means its going to be at least four to six months before new stuff comes out. Confused. Unless this is how they rope you in for the next episode.
In sad news, my brothers pet parakeet passed away suddenly this Saturday.
Watched House and Fringe tonight. I like the two television shows and am even more happier that they are air the same nights and back to back. But that will change in January as House moves to Monday's, but Fringe stays on Tuesday's. Bumerrrrrrr.
Looking forward to lunch tomorrow as it is the bosses annual staff lunch at some swank restaurant. Again, it will be at Yanni's. It's an Italian joint. Good food and for the price I'm getting it, better enjoy EVERY bite.
And on the Christmas front, took an inventory of the gifts I got to go around and I've got a little bit more shopping to do. Darn. Got to wrap and finish up some craftsy projects for gifts. I'm taking Friday off of work, so I'll hopefully make a lot of progress then. One funny thing about the inventory, seems as if I've done more shopping for me than for them - one for them, two for me, one for them, two for . . . .
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Here's a funny first paragraph from a newspaper article with a print date of 11/14/08.
Headline: Priest: No communion for Obama Supporters
Columbia, S.C. - A south Carolina Roman Catholic Priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain form receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion and supporting him "constitutes material cooperation with the intrinsic evil."
Blah, blah, blah for the rest of the article.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Weeks Education
1) Stay the hell away from red wine - got an invite to the house of a guy I work with at work on Tuesday night for BBQ and drinks. He had a lot of beer. Since I'm not a beer guy, I opted for some wine he had on hand - Merlot if you've got to know. Oh Man!!!! Wednesday morning was not pleasant.
2) If your a guy interested in sewing, bring a pair of tits when you go to the fabric store. I've been going in that direction and have visited a couple of fabric stores. Questions to the [female] staff are met with a strange stare and short answer responses. It gets even weirder when you hit the cashier with . . . . sewing supplies?.
3) I think the cold simply puts me to sleep. I've set my heater to 63 F. Based on the indicator, the system is maintaining a temperature of 60 to 62. I don't even have to study and I'm finding myself getting very sleepy early. As early as 9 sometimes, mostly around 10. Very unlike my summer days. Maybe that contributed to my difficulty in studying in the past.
4) Never tell the [work] boss about a deadline you've got to meet. We've got this event coming up December 1st. I indicated to the boss the prep work I've got to do for it and it's GOT to be done next week due to the Holiday. He turned around and sent an email with an executive order to complete said work next week due to the facts that I mentioned. Never mind the fact that I was already up to speed.
Class is over.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Arts-n-crafts - noth'en there either.
Classmate - hand off of notes successful.
In other news, looks like we are going to get more company around the end of February for a week or so.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday Again
What's new . . . for one, my wallet is about $500 lighter. Put on a new set of tires for the car the other day. Had a blowout on the road which prompted the move. Should be good for another four years or so.
Dragged my bike from work home yesterday. This is the bike I used to travel from work to school for classes. Well, it's just been sucking up valuable bike rack space since May. Time to practice what I preach. That is to say that I would be rather uptight if I saw the same bike parked in the same slot every day with no movement. What a waist of space.
Will meet with a former class mate to drop off material for a class she will be taking next semester. It is a class that we took together, but she dropped about halfway through the course. So now she wants to snag my notes. Haven't heard from her since she dropped the class. Now she wants my notes. Doubt I'll see or hear from her after we meet tomorrow morning. I can't complain though as I know I do it to others as well. Speak on a "when I need something" basis.
Will go to an arts and crafts fair at a local high school tomorrow. Might also go to a junk yard tomorrow as well. There are a number of things I'd like to find for my car - passenger side visor, electric cigarette lighter (you would not believe how many friends you can make with one of these things), and back truck cover, and maybe what ever else looks interesting.
Nothing much else planned this weekend. Will spend some time at my moms house rearranging the living room furniture and putting up the Xmas tree. We have company coming in from out of town this year for Thanksgiving and I guess mom wants to be a bit more festive for the event. I'm now accepting bets on how fast it will come down after Christmas.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
Well the front office folks at work put out some food this morning.
I ate a stick of the corn tortilla roll and some of the the green chili stew. I also ate a mountain of the crackers and a few pieces of the fruit. Well something didn't settle in right as my tummy did not feel good the rest of the day. I ended up just working through lunch. I ate something around 7:00 tonight and I think that has settle in OK. It is finally beginning to feel better - or is that the V.S.O.P. helping? The world may never know.
Well the High School next to my work was in the Halloween spirit - JUST ADD AIR.
And while on the subject of Halloween, I went to a couple of Halloween parties last week Saturday. Here's my costume.
That's right, Caribbean Pirate. Spirit (the Halloween store) offered it for $29.95. At the cash register - $21.95. Oh YEAH! Bargain. At least I look sober in this pic. We won't mention later in the evening. Went to two parties. The first from about 7 to 10:30. The next . . . well, let's say that I did not go to bed until 5:30 - A.M. I think the last time I was up that late was at one of this gals parties last year. I did not start feeling normal until Tuesday. Well worth it cause the party was a blast!
It's time to start winding down here. Let's begin by floating into a bit of serenity.
Breath deep now because we are going to extend that serenity.
Oh YEAH! Isn't that better. Hope your Halloween was a blast. I'm going to chill a bit, then hit the sack. I took a walk around the neighborhood tonight to see all the ghost and goblins on All Hollows Night. Spooky stuff I tell ya.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Moutain Fall
Looks like we kind of missed it.
On the bright side, the weather was GREAT! Could absolutely, positively, not ask for a nicer day. Then to top it off, I took Monday off of work. Still did not get all the things done I wanted to, but at least, made a dent in it. I could have used another day I tell ya. Oh well.
Its been a good week so far at work. No complaints there. Otherwise, time is cruising right on by. October is already coming to a close. I'm just not used to this much free time. But yet, I'm keeping myself busy and it is bedtime before I know it.
Speaking of before I know it, it's getting close to my late night snack. Gotta get ready. Chow!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Parking Lot
Now I'm sitting on the freeway interchange from I25 N to I40 W. Luckily, I was off at the next exit. AND - so were A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE. You see, this stretch of freeway is one of only three way's to get across the river to the West Side. Now the way to the next closest bridge across the river just happens to be on my way home! Can you see where this is going? Again, I've seen backups before where folks get off at my exit and go down a couple of streets, then back on the freeway. Leaving only a short bit of pain for me before I'm in the clear. Not today. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was on their way to the next bridge. I skipped several streets hoping I knew more about my neighborhood then they do. Fat chance. Did I say I've never seen it this bad? It took me 40 minutes to get home. Normally, about 15 minutes when I leave work at the time I did.
In - other more pleasant news, the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta is going on. Took this yesterday at a stop light just off the freeway.
The Balloon Fiesta will be going on through Sunday. Unless we get more bad weather. Last Sunday morning's events were cancels due to rain and wind. The weather man yesterday said that a storm is rolling in Friday that may bring SNOW! Please not now, pleeeeeease. Not because the Fiesta is happening, but because I'm such a cold weather wimp.
Had a doctor's appointment yesterday too. Things are looking good and I'm going on a trial run going off the high blood pressure meds. Let's hope for the best folks.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
September 24, 2008
1) Oh - how creative on the post title. Ehh.
2) Let's see - reading in a cookbook the following regarding meets and dairy products:
Foods such as meat, eggs, cheese, chicken, and other animal products produce tightness in the body. They also reduce flexibility and the capacity to respond creatively. In this condition we become more sensitive to external stress and feel that we are always under pressure. On the other hand, too much sugar, soft drinks, spices, tropical fruits, ice cream, chocolate, and similar foods creates hyperactive energy that contributes to the feeling that things are "out of control."
Do YOU relate to this?
3) Saw Trapt in concert Monday night at the Sunshine Theater. Place was packed and they had the nerve to close the upstairs balcony! Give us a break. Good show.
4) Thank God the week is on the downhill slide.
5) I'm going cheap! Got my digital TV converter box tonight at K-mart. I can make the hookups if I only had an S-Video cable. I thought I had one of those suckers provided with the VCR/DVD player I have. Maybe I only think I got one with it. You know, the cable they throw in as a bone that's typically to short to be of any use. The type of cable that generally expands on your use of the English language. Can't find the damn thing.
What else . . . . nope, guess that's it for now. Cheers.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Took that on a recent camping trip. Same thing with this flower.
And now for the photo drum roll please . . . . . we celebrated mom's birthday a couple of weeks ago. Here's what she got between myself and my brother.
Now some folks have a pretty bad or rocky relationship with their mothers. We, on the other had, have a very strong relationship with our mom. We talk or do something every week. Good stuff.
This week, will go to the rodeo at the state fair on Friday. This last Monday, I saw Jenny Lewis at the Sunshine Theater. Good show. Got two Gin-n-tonics. Man they packed a punch. That was some stiff shit I tell you. My head was still spinning the next morning when I got up.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
It Has Started
Paid for by the ??? Congressional Campaign Committee, <>. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Your not attempting to sway our thinking are you. Noooo, not at all.
In other news . . . newz? You actually think there is new news? Let's see, going to see this movie tomorrow night for free via some passes. Now I don't remember the name of the movie and if I wasn't too lazy to get the flier from my car, I would tell you folks rather than hold you in suspense.
There's a local football stadium a short distance from where I work. Mostly, they host high school games. I took a bicycle ride over there after work to find out their schedule. Well, no schedules to hand out, but I did find out that there are two games a day held Monday through Friday at 4 and 7pm. I just might go there Friday night for something different. Tickets are 4 bucks ah pop.
Now. Dinner is just about ready to eat, its been cooling a bit on the stove, so it's chow time. Okay.
Chow folks! Get it - Chow. Oh your no fun.
Monday, September 1, 2008
So today was a potluck picnic with one of the singles groups. No real headway. Played volleyball though and enjoyed it. Although I suck - hard core - I had fun. Many others where in my boat too. It's all good! I know the moves to make and I can visualize what needs to happen in certain situations, but bi golly, there's a problem with execution.
So now that classes started at the University this last week and I'm - umm - not a part of it this semester, I've briefly felt out of place. That was unit we had a couple of cool nights this last week and I thought to myself, "I could actually experience the Fall season this year," and secondly, I was reminded that the 2008 New Mexico State Fair is around the corner. Then I thought, "I could actually go to the Rodeo only night." And since then, I've felt a little bit better. And lets not forget Halloween, thanksgiving, Xmas, crafts shows, etc.
So what am I going to do with my free time. Here are a few things I'd like to accomplish in the next week or two: learn the Russian language, pickup the guitar that's been collecting dust for a number of years, handle my flute, read a number of books, and get back into a steady routine of doing my eye exercises and physical exercises for that matter. Sounds like a tall order! I think I'll need a plan of action. Ummm . . .
A ladder plan, that's it. Something to keep me focused on all these things I've wanted to do for a number of years, but have been too busy with school. I fear though that much of this Fall season will be much like the summer so far. A waste that is. I've fallen into the crack.
Perhaps I'm still in a phase of recuperation or something. We'll have to see. I still feel a bit down on the school front and am in no mood to start something like this. It would seem too much like school. Something I'm very tired of. But then again, I don't really want to start wasting my life away awaiting the next episode of Seinfeld. We shall see.
Well, I'm ready for a break tonight as I rest up a little for the workday tomorrow. I invited my folks over Saturday to hang that picture that's been sitting in the corner for a long time and it turned into a mission to rearrange some furniture and a bunch of the currently hanging pictures. As most of you know, in any effort to clean, it gets worse long before it gets better. It looks better now, but still have a lot of clutter to deal with and a few pictures left to hang. THAT will have to wait. At least the couch is clear. That's all I need to inspect the back of my eyelids.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Diving Bordom
Ironically, I've found the track events more exciting.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What am I doing: Being lazy.
How do I accomplish this: Watch the Olympics.
Watch what? Women's beach volleyball final - in the rain!
Now what? Be lazy.
Then what? Bed.
And? Bed + Sleep equals - - - - Lazy
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
In Seattle, check out the native plants. You know their pretty.
Meet C's family, Zeppel and Sammy.
You know we visited the Space Needle. If we didn't, what a shame. Now JUMP!
Some views from the top of the Needle.
Now, I've been around some tall buildings before, but nothing like this. One other feature of Seattle strange to me is the fact that there are so many multi story buildings. Primary homes / apartments and lofts.
Ahhh, down close to the sea.
And finally, C. himself!
There's more from Seattle, but this will do for now. The trip was good. Ten day's of hanging with C. Saw some other sights of Seattle besides the Space Needle. We'll talk about that later. Also met a number of C's friends as well as a reunion with his parents and sister.
Well it's time to relax some. Will head out tomorrow for a few day's of camping. Now this is a great vacation! I've had a chance to be both a tourist [in Seattle] and will get a chance to hit the great outdoors. Today's been a busy but productive while I've completed a number of chores. More when I return from camping. CHEERS!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Hello There from Seattle
More later folks. Cheers!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Simmer down now.
Getting stuff done for the trip to Seattle. Cloths packed - check, carry-on bag stuffed - check, to-do checklist made and scanned (a lot) - check, spazzzz - check.
Let's see, tomorrow, perhaps movie at the dollar spot. Thursday night - concert - Shinedown - Sunshine Theater - doors 7 / show 7:30 - all ages, bar w/ ID. Friday - ascend 7000 feet, descend 12000 feet - gum please?!
Now for Savage Nation on talk. Boil thy blood!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Ummm - I've been swamped at work?
Ummm - Today was a busy day . . .
Today, today, today. Let's see: Bank, hospital (meds refill), AAA New Mexico for some travel info for Seattle, shopping, Alltel to put more dollars on the phone, lunch, shopping, car emission test, home (briefly), more shopping, supper, and now.
That about rounds it out folks. Do a bit more surfing here, then onto some other needed activities. We'll see how late I'm up tonight. After all, just got done downing a gallon of iced tea.
Monday, July 21, 2008
And a view of the cliff dwellings dug into the ash wall.
And more rooms in the side of the wall. The wall is soft enough that it can be dug away with a stick or other such object. The small holes that line the wall where used to support the roof. This was a multistory setup.
Then a trail at a separate section of the Bandelier park. The trench is original trail from the Native Americans.
And Oh!, we can't forget the scenic vista's.
WOW! What a beautiful state I live in.
Now it's time to prep for my next vacation . . . visiting C in Seattle, Washington. And to add to the excitement, got to get ready for my brothers birthday coming up. Now, just what shall I get him . . .
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Time to get a good nights rest, then get up early tomorrow morning and head out for a four day camping trip. Mental health day's I tell ya.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The background is part of the Petroglyphs National Monument. It's the Volcano's area.
Went to a arts and crafts show yesterday with the folks in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The fair brought in peoples from many different countries to highlight their local products and artwork. It was all non-profit and sales went directly to the artist. I did score a number of pieces, but show and tell will have to wait until another day as I'm a bit lazy to break out the camera at the moment. See, I've been sucking down some Apfel Korn tonight. Seems to have brought out the LAZY in me. The one treat I'll share is this photo of a fountain in an outside dining area at a restaurant near the parking lot of the event. We ate our picnic lunch there.
Here's one other treat from some time ago. A double rainbow if you can see it. Took this just outside my apartment.
Well, the countdown has started to my vacation !! I'm outta here August first through August 10 to Seattle, Washington to see a good friend I have not seen in 20 plus years. Hence the Korn while I've been researching things to see and do there. REALLY looking forward to it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
As I was taking pictures, a lady walking by asked me if it was my car. "Nope." We chatted for a while. She indicated that the car is popular in Europe AND get around 60 mpg. BUT . . . the U.S. version only gets around 45 mpg. We agreed that it must be due to politics.
And look here. My cilantro plant has arisen from a near death experience! I bought and planted him three weeks ago. Due to the camping trip (bad planning on my part), the little guy looked dead when I returned. Now LOOK -
I applied CPR - started watering a little every morning and the guy has doing great! Check out those new shoots. Alright, now I've got four spices / herbs growing outside my apartment: rosemary, sage, french tarragon, and cilantro. What's next . . . hmmmm.
Well this Saturday, I chose the Luau Party. Had really good time. More so that at the BBQ party last weekend. The excitement at last nights party was one of the guest fell and banged up her elbow and knee pretty good. She was also pretty smashed. I and several other folks helped her with the wounds and held cold ice packs around her neck and forehead. No hurl but I'm sure you can guess the rest.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Movie Survey
Me: Hello
Voice: Good evening sir. We are conducting a movie survey and would ask if you have a few moments to participate.
M: Well . . . sure.
V: Have you seen four movies in the theater in the last twelve months?
M: [ponder] Three or four I believe.
V: Good. Lets begin. What movies do you know that are currently playing or are coming soon?
M: [ponder] Incredible Hulk, ummmm, Iron Man, Jumper. [thinking] I know there are more, but that's about what comes to mind.
V: Are there any others.
M: No.
V: Good, that will do. Have you seen the Incredible Hulk in theaters?
M: No.
V: Have you seen a televised preview of this movie?
M: Yes.
V: How likely are you to see this movie in the theater? Your options are: Most definitely, Probably will, may or may not, Probably not, most definitely not.
M: Probably will. (I didn't have the heart to tell him I'll wait until the dollar spot.)
V: Has your family or friends been talking about it?
M: No.
V: Have you heard of the movie The Happening?
M: No.
V: Have you see a preview?
M: No.
V: How likely are you to see it?
M: I don't know. I don't know anything about the movie.
V: I'm sorry sir, what would you say your answer is: Most definitely, Prob . . .
M: Again, I don't know anything about the movie. Could you tell me what he movie is about.
V: I do not know that. Would you see the movie based on the name or the actors or actresses in the movie?
M: I don't know. I do not see a movie solely based on who stars in it. I see a movie based on subject matter.
V: I'm sorry sir, that is not one of the possible selections. Would you say you would see the movie Most definitely . . .
M: Why don't you pick?
V: I'm sorry sir, I cannot do that.
M: Why not? Your pick is as good as mine.
V: Sir, would you say . . . .
M: OK, I'll say Probably Not.
V: That is your answer?
M: Yes.
V: Has your family or friends talked about it?
M: I said earlier I haven't heard of the movie. So that would mean I haven't talked about it with friends . . .
20 minutes later . . . You get the idea. This ensued for a while longer as more movie options followed. Go figure. I'll add that I've edited the above for clarity as the speaker had a heavy accent and I had to ask many times if he could repeat the movie of interest. The survey is skewed if you ask me.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
[0030 Lost & Found] - LOST Black wallet, has drivers license with name of Henry G Rodriguez, Pajarito Store, (street address). $50 Reward - Call #.
[oo45 Special Notices] - I, Charles W. Sooley, am no longer responsible for any debts other than my own.
[0250 BusinesOppty's] - ** ENTREPRENEURS ** Earn while you learn to invest in real estate! (phone #)
[1060 Computers] - PC Super Deal * Computer System complete, including monitor, keyboard, mouse and software. Used $75. Call #
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Fortune Telling
"You will make many changes before settling satisfactorily."
Not much on tap today. Basic living stuff. Went to a singles party last night. Was nice. Might have lunch with one of the gals. I emailed her today and we'll see where that goes. Originally met her on the Jemez Camping trip last weekend.
What else. The bills are ready to go out the door tomorrow and I got my dividend check from Amica this last week. (warning - sales pitch) If your not familiar with them, I've got my auto and home (renters) insurance with them. They are a co-op type of company. You pay more upfront for their insurance, but, you will get a dividend check at the end of the year based on the accident rate of the members. If people were good boy's and girls, you'll get a decent return check.
Regarding the Meetup events I've been attending, some how I've managed to double book myself next Saturday night. Now I must choose - luau party or free outdoor music event at Albuquerque's Civic Plaza. [calm down] Must choose, must choose, must choose, . . . . eeek.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Chopstick History
"Chopsticks, originated in China during the Shang Dynasty (1766 - 1122 BC), as a substitute for knives at the table. According to Confucius, knives were equated with acts of aggression and should not be used to dine. Chopsticks then became the eating utensils of choice as neighboring Asians countries adopted its use and modified it according to cultural preference."
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Slowly but Surely
Rising wages cause manufacturers to look outside of China.
In a front-page story, the New York Times (6/18, A1, Bradsher) reports that, though "China remains the most popular destination for foreign industrial investment in the world, attracting almost $83 billion" in 2007, "a growing number of multinational corporations are pursuing a strategy that companies and analysts call 'China plus one,' establishing or expanding Asian bases outside China, particularly in Vietnam." Manufacturers' concerns about China include "inflation, shortages of workers and energy, a strengthening currency, changing government policies, even the possibility of widespread civil unrest someday." The deciding factor, however, is that "wages in China are rising close to 25 percent a year in many industries, in dollar terms, and China is no longer such a bargain." China is "running low on able-bodied young workers to send to factories," causing wages to rise "more than 10 percent a year for many assembly-line workers. And pay is rising even faster for skilled workers, like machinery repair technicians."[news letter from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers - June 18, 2008]
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
1) You just love the Celtics.
2) Point spread.
3) YOU believe in miracles.
Camping was good! Got a lot of hiking in. More than I anticipated. Sore? Have done pretty well. Was only sore Monday after sitting for periods longer than 10 minutes. Soreness was only in the joint area of the legs at the hip. Pretty good I'd say. Today, I've been a bit more tired than usual.
Well, I should have more to say, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. Maybe because I've got supper on my mind. Need to feed ya know. Until next time - Cheers!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Lets See
Lets see, what else. Game one of the NBA Finals is on television now. Don't really watch sports in general, but I heard there is some sort of rivalry between the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers. So I thought I'd turn it on - in the background. Been doing other things while I've been listing to the game. Looks like their going to tell me something about this rivalry during halftime.
Thinking some more . . . is this the new image? The halftime announcer is wearing one of those mics that reaches down the side of his cheek toward his mouth. What ever happened to the mic hidden in the shirt?
And on more thoughts . . . New Mexico sobriety check commercial on T.V. They are cracking down. And they should.
In other news - my co-worker had an accident on his motorcycle. Thankfully, the man is still kick'en. After all, he's got to save me at work! He broke is left leg in two places below the knee. His back also hurts as he twisted it while being thrown over the car he struck. Accident wasn't his fault. I saw him the other day and he is doing fine. He's a tough guy and I'm glad he's going to be OK.
So how have I been fairing with all my free time now that school is out? Doing fine. I've started making a checklist of things to do. I've started making a weekly schedule and listing things to do each night of the week along with plans for the weekend. I've found it has helped me in two way's - 1) it's gives me defined task to accomplish. Just like school where there are homework and project deadlines that consistently drive you. I've been under that environment for so long, I'm feeling sort of lost. This has also kept me from just wasting my time away. Which I found myself easily doing in the opening day's after school was finished. And 2) it's given me a way to break down all the things I want to do. There is so much to do now, that its all rather overwhelming. Thinking about it, I think I did not accomplish much last summer for that very reason. So this breaks it down into small chucks. And I'm starting to see things results. It will be slow, but at least things are happening.
And finally . . . A gasoline commercial! I tell ya what folks, just bite the bullet. Simply pull up - tank up - drive away. You know you need it. Getting all bent out of shape is not going to change anything. - PEACE.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Pure Amber Draft. Had plans when I got home. Decided to have one of these. Draw line through plans. Step out to patio. Bliss! Been a long time since I've relaxed like this - And actually enjoyed it with no feelings about the time I'm wasting or other things that need to be done. My body just sank.
Did the birthday thing with the folks on Saturday. In picture format . . .
YES! Your eye's are seeing correctly. That IS Hannah Montana. Not bad.
Took a trip out to the river too. Nice.
Played volleyball yesterday as part of one of the singles Meetup events. Hurt my wrist. Not fun. I knew it when it happened. It's a bit swollen today and hurts when I twist it in a certain direction and try to lift things over a certain weight. I don't think I broke it though. Maybe a slightly pulled/torn ligament or maybe a superficial bone crack. I'll have to try to stay off of it as much as possible.
NOW! Back to R-n-R. -Cheers.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The weeds where in bloom.
And this little fella was haul'en some cargo.
Ah, the view from the park. This was afternoon. Around 4 or so.
Sun ray's around the clouds.
The plane, The plane!!! I wonder if the local international airport has a viewing room now. Remember those dating books? One of the standard dating activities was to "go to the airport and watch the planes." Scratch that.
And one of the many Christian symbols on display around town. Yes, white folks do it around here, but it seems to be much more predominate with the Hispanic community.
And there is just too many of these up and about. Not to single this person out. Just these types of signs in general.
And here's where they can stick it! Bloom TOWN.
Got home and spoke with the folks briefly, then caved in to the tiredness that came over me. Heavy duty. Crashed for about an hour. Then about 9 or so . . . bad news for a holiday weekend - started feeling ill. Kicked in all night. I did manage to spring a strip to Santa Fe to see dad on memorial day. Was nice. No picks though. But I was pretty much worthless. Monday was a good nap most of the day and I seemed to be OK by Tuesday morning. A little sluggish at start, but felt great by the end of the day.
Go sick over Christmas break this year too. Now this! Getting sick over holiday's has got to end.
Today, got to get outside. Blue skies, warm temps (low 90's) - oh Yeah! To be inside would just be awful. Away we go. Cheers.