Monday, June 30, 2008


Well look at what I found today while walking the parking lots around work today. Mini mini is for sure!

As I was taking pictures, a lady walking by asked me if it was my car. "Nope." We chatted for a while. She indicated that the car is popular in Europe AND get around 60 mpg. BUT . . . the U.S. version only gets around 45 mpg. We agreed that it must be due to politics.

And look here. My cilantro plant has arisen from a near death experience! I bought and planted him three weeks ago. Due to the camping trip (bad planning on my part), the little guy looked dead when I returned. Now LOOK -

I applied CPR - started watering a little every morning and the guy has doing great! Check out those new shoots. Alright, now I've got four spices / herbs growing outside my apartment: rosemary, sage, french tarragon, and cilantro. What's next . . . hmmmm.

Well this Saturday, I chose the Luau Party. Had really good time. More so that at the BBQ party last weekend. The excitement at last nights party was one of the guest fell and banged up her elbow and knee pretty good. She was also pretty smashed. I and several other folks helped her with the wounds and held cold ice packs around her neck and forehead. No hurl but I'm sure you can guess the rest.

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