Thursday, December 25, 2008


And a very Merry Christmas to you all. I'm at my folks house now. We had a very nice Christmas this morning. Lots and lots of goodies to go around. Traditionally, when we were young, our parents did not buy much stuff for us during the year. Teaching us that we could not have everything we wanted which instilled a lesson in us that we need to consider what we do buy very carefully. And trust me, kicking and screaming did us no good - except maybe for a good swift kick in the butt. We may not have gotten much during the year, but Christmas was the made up for it. It was the mother lode. Birthday's were good too. So I know I have no complaints. This year was not different. I've got arm fulls of stuff to take home with me.

For my gifts, they were themed this year: Miley Cyrus RULES !!! I got so many gifts related to her. I'll go over the listings later. But for now, I've got to get back to cooking supper. The dish is in the oven, but needs a little TLC now.

So with that in mind, hope your Christmas was great. See Ya! Mighty.

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