Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well, got the oil in a pan, reached for the bottle of popcorn, poured air into the pan, turned the burner off and here we are.

In other news, I got my newsletter from Lovelace (that's whom I have medical insurance with through work). The back page has their "New Year's Challenge." The ten things you can do to improve your health. In condensed form . . .

(1) Exercise, (2) Drink water instead of other stuff, (3) eat more whole foods and vegetables, (4) chose better carbohydrates - avoid white flour, rice, sweets, eat more greens -n- beans, (5) get away from the boob-tube - get physical, pickup hobbies, learn something, (6) enhance your bonds with friends and family, (7) Have a little bit of your own fun everyday, (8) Do something nice for others each day, (9) See your doc regularly, and (10) have some quite time everyday.

There ya go folks! Ah better you in 2009.

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