Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It Has Started

Ah the political word slinging is starting. The mailings are also starting. The Post Office must be making a pretty penny just off of the political mailings. And these ads are great! They only bad mouth one person and at the same time do not promote anyone. The fine print adds a nice touch:

Paid for by the ??? Congressional Campaign Committee, <>. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Your not attempting to sway our thinking are you. Noooo, not at all.

In other news . . . newz? You actually think there is new news? Let's see, going to see this movie tomorrow night for free via some passes. Now I don't remember the name of the movie and if I wasn't too lazy to get the flier from my car, I would tell you folks rather than hold you in suspense.

There's a local football stadium a short distance from where I work. Mostly, they host high school games. I took a bicycle ride over there after work to find out their schedule. Well, no schedules to hand out, but I did find out that there are two games a day held Monday through Friday at 4 and 7pm. I just might go there Friday night for something different. Tickets are 4 bucks ah pop.

Now. Dinner is just about ready to eat, its been cooling a bit on the stove, so it's chow time. Okay.

Chow folks! Get it - Chow. Oh your no fun.

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