Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rainy Evening

Just chilling here tonight folks. I got home and started going over the things I've gotten for my brothers birthday. It was actually on Saturday, but since we where traveling, we will celebrate next weekend. I'll leave these details for later. In the mean time . . .

I've been sitting here relaxing to a nice heavy rain storm that has rolled through. It's rained for almost an hour. Much heavier than the other day and by far the heaviest I've seen this summer (unless something great rolled through last week while I was away). Relaxing with the lights out and sipping away.

The rain and lightning and thunder has pretty much moved on. Hopefully we will get more tonight. At least somewhere in town. We sure do need it around here. Although I will say that it seems to be shaping up to be another strange summer in terms of weather. What a weird year it has been.

Well time to move on to some other stuff. But first I'll have to mention that I have jury duty starting tomorrow. This should be fun . . . or NOT. I report in at 3:30pm for orientation and qualification. What ever that means. First time ever! This should be interesting.

Monday, July 30, 2007


Tonight's Tid-bits !!!

1) Late night snack - Don't even ask where the inspiration for this concoction came from. (All quantities ROUGH)

1 cup spaghetti
1/4 cup ground beef
1/8 cup diced onion
dash sage, garlic powder, and Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup cottage cheese
1 tbsp pure maple syrup

Cook spaghetti til done. Cook beef till done. Drain. Add next four rows of stuff. Simmer about 10 minutes. Combine spaghetti, meat, cottage cheese and syrup. Eat.

2) I figured the hidden song on Kelly Clarkson's My December disc. Song number 13 is just supper long song with about a 1 minute break of silence after the "posted" song. Just be patient!

3) Dishes? Dear God.

4) I'm finally getting some rain in my neck of the woods. Smells nice.

5) Rant! It frustrates me when I say I would like to do something, but get wrapped up in something else that I'd rather NOT have spent as much time dealing with. Time for a L.Y.R. (say it now - like "lurr." Like it's a LYR moment! Know what I mean? OK - Late Years Resolution - Focus more on what I'd rather be doing. Yeah right! We'll see how long that last.

Spend time with your preferred joys.
Other stuff will simply weigh you down in dissatisfaction.
Making your time feel wasted.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back I Am

getaway. The trip was as good as it was random. We (meaning the folks and I) visited Hello folks! I have returned. Back from a week that was way too short, but was a satisfyingRuidoso and surrounding areas, and Alamogordo, New Mexico. We saw the White Sand Dunes at the White Sands National Monument, saw some b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l scenery. We saw several lakes and dams, a number of museums, and then did our fair share of just hanging out.

We actually got back home last night around 12:30 AM. Yes, you read that right: A-M. I crashed at moms place and got things put away at her place earlier today. Then it was head for my place to put things away, get some groceries, clean the car, shower, and piddle around. So here we are.

I'd love to tell you about the trip but find myself more in a mood to just relax a bit tonight. Chill out on the couch in front of the T.V. sort of thing. So I think I'll postpone the details until later. Maybe I'll relive it day for day or something. I don't know. But anyways, it will give me a chance to go through all the photo's and such. For now though, I think I'm going to check out some other blogs and hit the couch. I'll leave you with a photo from somewhere along the road. I'm SURE I'll remember where I took it EVENTUALLY.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm OFF ---->>

All right folks, it's vacation time! I'm off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz. See you in a week or so.

Enjoy the good times, for they may be the best you've ever had.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Damn! No luck on that hidden song. I'm die'n I tell ya I'm die'n! Some one throw me some pain killers already!!!

Oil Please?

How about an oil change to get the day started. I thought it was a good idea last week and it turned out to indeed be a good day to get it done. Oils changed and the car got a general checkup in preparation for our journey next week. Looks like they have a few cars to sell, but I'm not in the market. I figure I'll drive this one into the ground before I look again. And if it wasn't for the past problems with my last car, a 1989 Pontiac LeMans, I would probably still be driving it. So now your wondering what I'm driving now, are ya. It's a 2001 Nissan Sentra GXE. It's been a good car so far. The best part is it's paid off. YESSSSSSSS!

Since I've gotten home, I've been trying to find one picture from Kelly Clarkson's CD insert from My December. I've found a photo copy of the page, but not of the picture solo. I'll share it when I do find it though. But in the process, I've discovered that there is a hidden track on the disc. That's right, a track 14. How the hell do I find that! I'm on a mission now folks.

But not before I do a little research for my vacation next week. The family is going to Ruidoso, New Mexico. Been there once many years ago. Time to head back for another round. Should be some good relaxing in the woods and a chance to do some touristy type stuff. Can you see the word SUCKER all over my forehead? And your absolutely right, I A M a sucker for it. It's all good in the end. I've got my cloths packed and stacked a few other things to take along.

So it's time now for a shot of something out of the cubberd, grab a late nite bite, do some Ruidoso research, all while trying my best to not grab My December and try to find that hidden track. Think I'll make it?


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Band Band Band

Alright folks! Back after a day's break. But a break for a good reason. That break would be due to the band I saw last night at the Launchpad. I band I saw was Lennon . . . She did an all solo set. Just her and the piano. Here's a pic to prove it.

You can also see another site here. Her style of rock is one style that goes right up my alley. She said that she gave the band the night off, but I have my reservations about that. Reason? Ah piss poor crowd turn out. MAYBE 30 turned out. AND that's including staff. She said she's been playing with Pat Benatar on the road. So I wonder how it felt to go from thousands of people to a backyard barbecue? She seemed to enjoy herself and personally, I think she liked the crowd break. CD you ask? Got it . . . the other day and didn't think to take it with me. They were selling, but after a ticket for me and my brother and two drinks for myself . . . I'm sure I could have gotten an autograph. I'll have to do that - Next Time. Until then, find CD's, buy CD's! I've got two more to get.

There were two opening bands, Jaime Faux and Leiahdorus group singing mellow rock . Jaimie was a male, female acousticballads. I know there is a band that they sound like, but it's not coming to mind. Leiahdorus was synthesizers galore. With a rock - dance sound popular in Europe. Good stuff all around.

My only complaint was that they did not start in a timely manner since it was a weekday. Turns out first band did not come on until 9:30! I could have had a nap! Opening bands played 30 minutes sets, and Lennon played one hour.

Other than that, same same same. Spent an hour washing dishes when I got home tonight and got started with this blog. Had a surprise phone call from K. in the middle of it. You'll do fine. You KNOW you will.

The only other point of activity to look forward to would be my vacation next week. Going to do some camping and touristy stuff. More on that later. Time for a break from the blog (I'm sooooo slow ya know) and some R-n-R.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Well, it looks like this storm just might wrap back around in my direction. Lots of lightning . . . . elsewhere. Some slight winds around my place, but otherwise, pretty calm. Can hear thunder in the background.

What else is going on? Well did more shopping for my brother after work. Got home around 8:30. And the apartment was really stuffy. I could tell someone else was in the place due to which door locks were locked. Turns out the maintenance guy changed the AC filters and stuff, but forgot to turn the AC back on. Feeling better now that I've got it cooled down to a comfortable 82F. OK OK! Comfortable for me anyway.

Other than that, not much going on. So I'm going to split and R and R for a while and grab a little more to eat. Maybe hope the storm comes in my direction. Sound good? I thought so too.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Today - Sunday

Today in short . . .

Laundry - yuck!
TV - relaxing.
Shopping - for my brothers birthday.
Shopping - for me too!
Surfing - need I say more? Clean though.
Blogging - now.
Mind State - buzzed . . . brandy.
Relaxing - real soon!
Like now. Good night.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


OK OK, I'm seriously buzzed on Presidente Brandy -Brandy- 100% De Uva totally engrossed to Kelly Clarkson's My December once again. Go'en with Judas on repeat for the last hour so so. Not that I've ever been treated as the song depicts, but it has one hell of a beat to it !!

Here's some lyrics for you all.

Kelly Clarkson - Judas from My December

The only one who took you in
The only one who held your hand
Defended you against the others
Had your back on everything
Never let you down
You turned around betrayed your only brother

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out
After we'd been through so much, how could you let me down?

I didn't know, I didn't know
I couldn't see, I couldn't see
Never thought you'd forget me
Couldn't believe, couldn't believe
How you deceived, you deceived
I never thought you'd do that to me

I will never be like you
I'll never do the things you do
Selfish and lonely, what's your problem
Letting go of you and this
Is harder than I thought but I will not be poisoned by your actions

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out
After we'd been through so much, how could you let me down?

I didn't know, I didn't know
I couldn't see, I couldn't see
Never thought you'd forget me
Couldn't believe, couldn't believe
How you deceived, you deceived
I never thought you'd do that to me

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out
After we'd been through so much, how could you let me down?
Down, you let me down

Bear Food

A change of plans ensued for today's adventure. Instead of the Sandia Mountains, we did the Wildlife West Nature Park. An outdoor Zoo if you will of animals that are injured or for some other reason cannot be released back into the wild. The folks learned of it through a short blurb in the newspaper. Today's special special treat was the park staff gave tours in the back yard to get a much closer look at a bear.

I think I'll pass on a hand shake, but nice to meet you. They were feeding him grapes to keep him in line. This guy was salivating all over the place! Just a big teddy bear in the end.

There were other animals at the park, but the only other item of interest was this butterfly. If only I could get better focus on a close up. Oh well, I'll just have to do with this . . .

I've been trying to get a photo of a butterfly for quite some time now. By far, this is the best I've been able to do.

After our adventure, we flew home for SUPPER - spaghetti with:

Pray for Taste Spaghetti Sauce
1 8-oz can tomato sauce
1/4 cup minced onion
1/8 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp basil
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp sugar
1/8 tsp garlic powder
salt to taste.

Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan. Bring to boil, then lower to simmer for 20 minutes. Top on cooked spaghetti and chicken, beef, whatever.

I can't believe it actually turned out!!! An experiment! Mark your calenders!

Anyways the dishes are clean and I'm in chill mode. See ya.

Friday, July 13, 2007

ONE Class

Well I've done it.
I've signed up for ONE class for the Fall 2007 semester.

On a Friday night.
Don't ask.
Even I don't know.
Do I really want to? No.
Do I really NEED to? Yes.
Am I ready? Not really.

Frdiay Friday Friday

Here we go folks. It's Friday and I for one am happy for that. I've had quite a long week trying to learn this piece of equipment at work. Spending a lot of extra hours in preparation for a training session I gave on Thursday morning. I'm glad that is over with. I muddled my way through it, doing some hand waiving through parts of it. In some way's, it didn't sound like I really knew what I was doing, but I think once this person uses the tool a bit, he'll start waiving his hand too!

So what's up tonight? Not much. Chilling to Kelly Clarkson's new CD My December. I've had now for a few weeks, but have been hooked on it for the last week or so. Time to bring it into iTunes so I jam in the car AND at home. The musical theme is pretty dark. Much different than the brighter songs of her last album. Song number 6, Judas, is dark, but has a dancy rockish beat. How dare her write a somber song, but make you want to dance at the same time - bad Kelly, bad Kelly!

I have 18 day's left to suffer. ONLY 18 day's until I own the movie 300. Mark July 31 on your calenders! Don't delay, do it now. NOW I said!

The only adventure for this weekend will be some hiking in the Sandia Mountains. Not sure if it will be Saturday or Sunday. Waiting for a call from the folks to see what will go down.

I think I'll close this up for now. Do some other stuff and then relax a bit. Have a good one.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tonight - and - Tomorrow

Late night with a late post. Short and sweet folks.

To you all . . . tonight - Sweet Dreams. May you slide to sleep in peace and may you awake anew.

- Mighty

Drop your pearls and walk away. The weight you loose will lift you anew.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


What a long day. It started this morning when I actually got to work at 7:30! Can you believe it? Got a decent amount of crap done before having a refresher course on that tool I talked about last night. That went well. I broke for lunch around 12:10 and headed back into the cleanroom around 1:00. Time to finish up some maintenance on a another piece of equipment before someone was scheduled to use it at 2. What perfect timing!!! Except if it were not for the fact that I fucked up! After any major clean, there is a conditioning run that has to be run before the equipment can be released for general use. So I start the run and begin to research a question about certain recipes that require additional processing afterwards. Well turns out I found out the answer and wouldn't you know it - that's where the fuck up came in. See how much I know about processing? Anyways to correct it, I would need to do some additional cleaning that would require an additional 30 minutes, running well into the scheduled time of the next user. I ran into him and gave him the story of how I screwed up and wouldn't you know it - turns out he would be running a process that requires the additional clean as well. SAVED !!!!!!!!!!!! I was so angry with myself I couldn't see straight. The steps I was taking as part of my maintenance in the past has turned out incorrect. Lesson learned. I tell ya, I've got to learn more about the application side of things. I know a lot about fixing them, but piss poor knowledge on the other front.

So after that ordeal turned out, I ran back to toy around more with the tool of this morning. Through toying around with it and reading the manual, I learned a lot and even learned of some incorrect actions that where shown to me earlier this morning. I'd be set if it was not for the fact that the guy I need to train need to use some of the more advanced capabilities of this tool. I've scheduled to train with this guy on Thursday morning. I stayed until a little after 8 tonight and will plan on staying late tomorrow until I get things down. Cross my fingers ya know.

Day two of eating this green stuff had the same results. Got hungry earlier. I washed the dishes when I got home, so that put me around 9:10 or so eating. Stuffed it in! Perhaps too much.

Well I'm off to chill on the couch with a popcycle before hitting the sack. Bahhh!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Reading Time

Taking a break from other breaks and reading the manual for this piece of equipment I have to train on later this week. Originally, I was going to hang at work and fondle this equipment, but I found someone who "knows" how to use it and has some samples to measure. We've agreed to meet tomorrow morning at 9. Should give me enough time to run in and do a few other things before that. If I can d r a g myself out of bed, I can hopefully be at work before 7:30. Today was a busy day and tomorrow looks to be that way as well. And I don't mind at all. Helps the day go by faster.

My appetite has been up there for some reason today. The only difference today is that I ate some green leaf lettuce and broccoli at lunch and with my late afternoon snack. And in both cases, I got hungry before what has become normal times to get hungry and eat. I'll be grabbing something when I finish up here. I'll continue to eat the greens and see if it affects my appetite the rest of the week in the same fashion. Interesting.

No other real news to speak of so I'll wrap this up short and tidy, grab some food, and get back to reading this instructional manual. Ahhh, great bedtime fair. - Cheers.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Volcano's Anyone?

Here we are. It's Sunday. Tomorrows Monday and the beginning of another work week. I've got some training to do on a tool that I have not used in a very long time this next week. That should be interesting! I'll briefly review some notes tonight, then probably stay late tomorrow night to get close and personal with it. Caress it. Get close. Speak gently, Hold a hammer. Swing it. Persuade it. Pray!

Today I did more hiking in the Petroglyph National Monument. Today was the Volcano's trail. Only did part of it. You can see one of the volcano's in the background on the pic of me. Here are some other photo's . . .

To one side, the Sandia Mountains and the city of Albuquerque.

To another side, the vast open desert.

Another one of the volcano's.

Oh cool!! A mound of what looks like flying ants living in the lava rock. Never seen anything like it. Yes ants do produce flying ants that run off to start new colonies, but this many? I don't think so. I'll have to research this one later.

And yes, it was pretty warm, but not too bad over all. There were clouds that provided cover on occasion, and last nights rain kept things pretty cool most of the morning. I don't think it really started to heat up until after one or so (we got there around 2:30pm). There is one more trail to do at that location. Will head back later to do it.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Earnings and Spending

Today's Random Photography gets a double post/view here today. I'll explain here in a moment. But first, the garage sale is over! I'm home, just got out of the shower, and am ready for some relaxing after finishing up some blogging here. How did the garage sale go? Pretty good. I earned a whopping $30.85 after two day's in the garage. Mom has yet to count her money, so let you know later.

On a second note, I think I'm about to pass out from the odor of some mens perfume. I've had this Chanel Egoiste perfume for a while. I seldom wear it and have been pondering putting it on for the hell of it over the last few weeks. So after my shower, I decided to go for it. I've forgotten how strong the stuff is. Three finger swipes; one on each side of the neck and one down the center of my chest. WOW! I was looking forward to enjoying the scent of the perfume - not O.D. on it. I think I'll put a note in the box with the bottle, "Easy does it."

And a WOW number two goes to this weather storm that is just moving in since I got out of the shower. The wind is up and there is thunder and lightning.

And after a 30 minute break to enjoy the storm, I'll have to say that it certainly satisfied my storm fix. Heavy rain came in cycles along with the wind and lightning. Nice.

Well let's return to the money photo that you are getting to suffer through twice. As I was counting my earnings at home, my mom asked me what I was going to spend my garage sale money on. I told her that I did not know and that at some random point, I just might spend $30 and call that the spending from the sale. As I was taking a shower, I got to thinking about it and a somber mood came over me while I remembered what value yard sale money used to have to me. You know, the day's when buying something personal for yourself was a real treat. When you had to save your money for it and when you brought it home, there was a certain joy in just holding, using, or otherwise staring in wonder at your new prize. When buying something really required some thought about what you really wanted and the number of hours I spent either pondering the item or shopping through the stores looking at the various brands as you pondered which to get when you could actually afford to buy it. And hence, we have the garage sale money. What treasure will I bring home with that money in which I will proudly announce, This is what I purchased with my yard sale earnings. In which that item will hold true sentimental value as an item that was purchased with pride, joy, and in gleeful anticipation. I should revisit those day's more often, for in reality, those are the days which will probably have the greatest personal satisfaction.

Chose your material goods wisely, for what surrounds you will define you personally and stage your satisfaction.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Morning Madness

I will have to add one benefit of getting up at that obscene hour of the morning - a great look at the moon though the clouds.

Hopp'en Table

Well things went well today at the garage sale. I was a little late getting to the folks house. I think I managed to make it around 6:40am or so. But that's OK. The folks were not ready to go anyways. I had to wait for them. How about that! I could have slept in a bit longer. Maybe all of about 15 minutes longer, but hey, it's another 15 minutes I tell ya. The sale went pretty well. We had a better turn out that the last time already. My table was hopp'en. I sold quite a bit of stuff. We'll see how tomorrow goes. We packed up around 3pm. Then crashed in the house for a bit before supper.

Well, as said, tomorrow will be day two. I'll be crashing at the folks house tonight so I can avoid the 4:30 escapade of this morning. I tell ya though, if you want to cross the Rio Grand River, 6:30 is a great time to do it! No traffic at all. Smooth sailing. Don't even try that between 7:30 and 8:30. Got It!

Thursday, July 5, 2007


It almost feels that way. Just got home from a jazz music concert at the Outpost Performance Space. Chris Ishee Trio and Tim Zhannes Quartet played. Good stuff. I'm relaxed now but feel the pinch as I need to get up SUPER early tomorrow. Got to be at moms place by 6:30 to help setup the garage sale. Did you get that . . . 6:30 AM - on the morning of July 6th, 2007 which is a Friday. Dear God. That means I must leave the house around 6. Which means as slow as I am in the morning, I must get up around . . . Let's not think about it too much.

Other than that, nothing much new. Good day at work - good music afterwards - good sleep tonight before I get up . . .

OK, moving on. Goodnight sounds like an appropriate word right now. Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th Surprise

Just got back from a trip around the block to check the celebrations out and ran into a nice surprise. Saw a large group of people out doing some fireworks and I decided it sit my ass down on the curb at a distance. A short time later, one of the guys came over and introduced himself and invited me to their "block party." Come on over, there's beer here, water there, food in the house, help yourself! The kids were doing all ground "legal" fireworks and let me tell ya, there was some cool stuff I have never seen before.

Anyways, I helped myself to a water and a little food (although I was still pretty full from dinner). Nice folks. I met one other person whom we passed a few words. The fireworks show ??? Grand finally from start to finish. The kids were lighting them off like there was no tomorrow and the supply was endless. So much for pacing yourself. When they ran out, all of a sudden, sparklers where in a league of their own. I made a comment to one of the mothers there, funny how sparklers are always the last to go.

The only down side that got me worked up a bit was this - while I was sitting on the curb, a couple came over to look at some other skyward fireworks that some folks in the neighborhood were lighting off. One commented, "That's what it's all about. Not this ground crap." Kind of like we have to have THAT or else we aren't celebrating. That brought back a particular hiking memory, but I'll go there later.

Upon my exit, I passed a few parting words with Travis (invitation guy) again whom invited me to come over anytime - celebration or not.

Well, time to hit the sack, feeling FULL I might add. After all, tomorrows another work day ya know. Cheers!

Happy 4th !!!

Ahhhh, the smell of gun powder fills the air. The sound of pops louder than an cap gun is heard all around. Ahhhh, it's the 4th of July celebration all around . . .

Nor wind nor rain nor fear of being caught with illegal fireworks will stop the celebration at hand. For that would a celebration of this caliber be without the mighty guns that can be!

It is the 4th of July all around and let it be known that the 4th celebrates our Independence on a grand scale. Of who we are. Of what we stand for. Of what was done to garner our stature.

Now if only we could only truly remember what this day means. Of the principles that built it. Then we could truly celebrate once again.

HAPPY 4TH TO ALL. May you celebrate 4th of July's past, and pray for the uncertain 4th's of the future.

Morning All

Well its the 4th of July. A day off in la la land. As I sit here this morning, I wonder - just what do I want for breakfast? I just don't know at the moment. I don't feel quite in the mood to make something big, but at the same time I don't feel like having a meager bowl of cereal either. Just what is Mighty to do??? I figured I would ponder it a bit while I throw some babble at you all. It looks like it's going to be a nice day here. Looks like blue skies outside and a very pleasant temperature at the moment. I'm sure the heat will rise. Not like I'm complaining or anything ya know.

I think I will go for that crappy breakfast. Then grab a shower and get a load of laundry going.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Monday Babble

Well I'm back. And I might add that I'm back in one piece for that matter. On the way home from work on the freeway, I witnessed what I think was a little bit of road rage gong on. Two cars flew by me (going well over 65 mph) at first looking like they were playing chase. As they were driving side by side, one car changed lanes towards the other car causing that car to move and nearly hit the car in the next lane. Slammed breaks and swerving almost out of control, nearly rolling over, he finally corrected himself. Then the chase began again as that car floored the gas pedal to catch up to the other car. I really looked like one of the two pissed of the other. They took a connecting freeway going in the opposite direction from were I was headed. Thank goodness. I only hope that they don't cause further problems down the road. HopeFULLY!

On a lighter note, I spent yesterday hiking the Pecos Wilderness. A good day, but a long one as well. Got to moms place around 9:20. Got back to my place about 9:50pm. LOTS of driving, but the trip was worth it. We hiked about six miles (according to our info booklet) and saw some good stuff. Check out the photos.

The postponement of the petroglyph's was well worth it. Perhaps, that will be next weeks adventure. But up front next week Friday and Saturday will be helping with moms garage sale! That will be fun, or NOT! We'll see how it goes. Apparently, Friday has become a hot day for yard sales. We've tried the Friday thing before with varied success. Stories later on that one.

For now though, I've got a couple of things completed tonight. That would be washing the dishes and getting some important medical bills ready to go out tomorrow. I've been blowing off the medical bills longer that I should have. I tried to get a payment plan going with the folks, but it hasn't panned out. So I'm just paying it all and getting it over with. Not my preference, but I'll live. So now I'm blogging still looking at this message at the bottom of the current browser window that says "Transferring data from ???". I hope all those photo's get up on this blog OK. Well let me take a look and sort things out, then grab a bite to eat. P.B. and J. I say. Chow all!

- Mighty