Friday, July 13, 2007

Frdiay Friday Friday

Here we go folks. It's Friday and I for one am happy for that. I've had quite a long week trying to learn this piece of equipment at work. Spending a lot of extra hours in preparation for a training session I gave on Thursday morning. I'm glad that is over with. I muddled my way through it, doing some hand waiving through parts of it. In some way's, it didn't sound like I really knew what I was doing, but I think once this person uses the tool a bit, he'll start waiving his hand too!

So what's up tonight? Not much. Chilling to Kelly Clarkson's new CD My December. I've had now for a few weeks, but have been hooked on it for the last week or so. Time to bring it into iTunes so I jam in the car AND at home. The musical theme is pretty dark. Much different than the brighter songs of her last album. Song number 6, Judas, is dark, but has a dancy rockish beat. How dare her write a somber song, but make you want to dance at the same time - bad Kelly, bad Kelly!

I have 18 day's left to suffer. ONLY 18 day's until I own the movie 300. Mark July 31 on your calenders! Don't delay, do it now. NOW I said!

The only adventure for this weekend will be some hiking in the Sandia Mountains. Not sure if it will be Saturday or Sunday. Waiting for a call from the folks to see what will go down.

I think I'll close this up for now. Do some other stuff and then relax a bit. Have a good one.

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