Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Secure the Flag!

And here it is - Tuesday, the twelfth day of June. It was yet another cloudy, cool, day in the Land of Enchantment. Again, more strangeness to this odd summer. Although that could be turning around. I spoke to the weather channel (my mom) earlier tonight and she says the weather is suppose to be getting warmer going into the weekend. Supposedly, into the 90's. Oh Yeah! Bring it on! I for one am ready for the heat. Of course, I'm fully aware that I'll probably be crying once it gets here, but hey!, at least it might start to feel like a normal summer for once.

In other news, I got a new medical bill in the mail. And I tell ya, I'm going to have to research the benefits on this one. Six hundred bucks I owe! That is, out of a $2000 total bill. I really should not be crying, but I'm still going to make a phone call or two. Investigative research I tell you.

On the camera front, I'm beginning to wonder where it might be legal to take a picture. I got questioned again today on my lunch time photo safari. This one happened where I got today's random photo. I had taken some artsy fartsy angle shots out in the entryway courtyard and was working on the flag when a building security guard came out and told me that this was private property and I needed to get permission from inside before I could take pictures. He asked what I was taking pictures of. I told him and then he replies if that was all I needed. I said yes and asked if he'd like to see the shots I'd taken. He said no, that's fine. Then walked back toward his post. I left the scene. In the end, he was cool about it. But . . . am I that naive? Is it 9-11. What's the deal?

And as a last note, I'll have to say that I nearly put the weather channel to sleep just by talking. So I've come up with this little diddly. Sing along to the tune of Rock-a-by Baby:

Rock ah by mommy,
On the telephone,
Which way her head rocks
No one will know.

OK, OK, the rest of the tune slips me, but y'all get the idea. - Cheers!

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