Thursday, May 17, 2007


Now that would have been a short post, eh? I think short-n-sweet is little over rated. I might as well have posted two words: Do'en good. What do ya think? I thought so.

Work has progressed well today. I'm still thinking about my new hero I read about yesterday. Casey Serin. The guy who is in real estate bankruptcy. And he is pulling it off. He has become immortal. The hero of our generation. I can't wait to meet him some day. Is it luck? Perhaps strategy? Maybe a combination of both. My Hero. Anyways, he's got some work to pull himself out of the hole he's gotten himself into. Now if I tried this same thing, I know for a fact that I would be seeing bars all around me right about now. My meals would be handed to me through a rectangle slot. And . . . I would have all kinds of time to ponder life because life just wouldn't be going anyway. How do they get so lucky. I've got to find their secret! Maybe I'll start with Casey's web page.

In other notes, I should have DSL tomorrow. The phone company called late yesterday to say that the transfer would happen automatically on Friday. Then I'll need to get a DSL modem and I'm good to go.

What else, what else, what else. Let's see, let's see, let's see. Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm.

When working with others, analyse your plan of action. For inevitably, you will need to defend it.

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