Sunday, May 27, 2007

Remembrance # 2

Well, it's Sunday and I'm getting ready to head off to my folks house. Today's plan is to visit my father in Sante Fe's National Cemetery in New Mexico. We'll pay our respects not only to him, but also to all the service men and women in the military. Honoring them through this Memorial Day holiday. After that, looks like we'll be taking a scenic drive through the city of Los Alamos and other byway's. We'll probably grab a bit somewhere before heading home. Should make for a nice afternoon.

On another front, I'm wondering if anyone knows what's going on with the following problem; when I use FireFox browser to make changes to the blogger template, the "!" hourglass stalls for days, while Macrohard Exploder works fine. I haven't looked into it too much yet, but I'm hoping there is a quick answer out there.

See ya!


Kiley said...

I think it's simply an issue with the fact that Microsoft sucks and has sabotaged your computer so that nothing else will work. :-P

Mighty said...

Go Linix!