Saturday, May 5, 2007


Turn left on Palace, right on 4th, right on Edith, left on Paris, right on . . . to the new your new home in xxx Estates. Alright already! What's up with the bizarre directions. Can you back up few streets please. This is a commercial running on the radio recently. How about a quick phone number. Not that I'm looking or could even afford it.

So here's Saturday. Rest, Rest, and Rest. Pretty bland day. Only real excitement is the chance to head over to K.'s place later. Hope she likes the Don Johnson look. Otherwise I've been trying to adjust the background color of this blogger editing screen while I'm typing this. I can not see the cursor and the mouse doesn't show either. Makes it hard to edit as you go. I'm toying with the Windows properties for the colors, but they haven't kicked in. Perhaps it will when I open a new blogger editing window. I hope so, cause it's been bugging me lately. Oh well, back to beating it - sorry, playing with it. Bye.


Kiley said...

The Don Johnson look worked just fine. :-)

Mighty said...

Maybe I'll go hippie.