Sunday, February 15, 2009

Two First

Well yesterday, I did two things I've been meaning to do for a long, long time. I've finally gotten myself back in the gym and I went to see an old friend I have not seen in about two years, much less hung out with for about three years.

Getting back into the gym is always tough. The tough part is getting the willpower to go back. But once you break the first time barrier, it is all down hill from there. It was a light workout. Just enough to get the body in motion again and to ask the body to remember those old motions. Get used to it. I little tight today, but otherwise in good shape. Will go again tomorrow.

The friend, whom I'll call F., is doing well. You know when you have not seen someone is a very long time, sometimes your first meeting is all about the basics. "How are you." "How's the family?" How's work, personal life, etc. And that's where we where. Discussed a few outside topics, but really, it was all about F. and Mighty touching base. Nice.

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