Well, here we are. Before bloggers bog the system down . . . .
Here's to next year folks.
Well, got the oil in a pan, reached for the bottle of popcorn, poured air into the pan, turned the burner off and here we are.In other news, I got my newsletter from Lovelace (that's whom I have medical insurance with through work). The back page has their "New Year's Challenge." The ten things you can do to improve your health. In condensed form . . .(1) Exercise, (2) Drink water instead of other stuff, (3) eat more whole foods and vegetables, (4) chose better carbohydrates - avoid white flour, rice, sweets, eat more greens -n- beans, (5) get away from the boob-tube - get physical, pickup hobbies, learn something, (6) enhance your bonds with friends and family, (7) Have a little bit of your own fun everyday, (8) Do something nice for others each day, (9) See your doc regularly, and (10) have some quite time everyday.There ya go folks! Ah better you in 2009.
I'll include another quick post here on something that has been on my mind since I sat down to eat with the family. That being . . .that I can not help but think about the hundreds of tons of food that we, in the USA, will throw away today while hundreds of people in Dar fur and other such places will die from malnutrition. What a shame that we take for granted that which we have so much of.Peace - Mighty.
And a very Merry Christmas to you all. I'm at my folks house now. We had a very nice Christmas this morning. Lots and lots of goodies to go around. Traditionally, when we were young, our parents did not buy much stuff for us during the year. Teaching us that we could not have everything we wanted which instilled a lesson in us that we need to consider what we do buy very carefully. And trust me, kicking and screaming did us no good - except maybe for a good swift kick in the butt. We may not have gotten much during the year, but Christmas was the made up for it. It was the mother lode. Birthday's were good too. So I know I have no complaints. This year was not different. I've got arm fulls of stuff to take home with me.For my gifts, they were themed this year: Miley Cyrus RULES !!! I got so many gifts related to her. I'll go over the listings later. But for now, I've got to get back to cooking supper. The dish is in the oven, but needs a little TLC now.So with that in mind, hope your Christmas was great. See Ya! Mighty.
Nothing like rolling by a little snow capped Sandia Mountains. Was out toward the mountains Saturday shopping when I took this.
Being this close to the Sandia's provides a good view of the antenna's at the top.
Certainly how Albuquerque communicates.
So last night, I'm watching the show Hero's. Now last week, the ending of the show says "Don't miss the season finally next week." So at the end of last nights episode, they state that the new season of Hero's starts in January. Complete with previews. To me the end of a season means its going to be at least four to six months before new stuff comes out. Confused. Unless this is how they rope you in for the next episode.In sad news, my brothers pet parakeet passed away suddenly this Saturday.Watched House and Fringe tonight. I like the two television shows and am even more happier that they are air the same nights and back to back. But that will change in January as House moves to Monday's, but Fringe stays on Tuesday's. Bumerrrrrrr.Looking forward to lunch tomorrow as it is the bosses annual staff lunch at some swank restaurant. Again, it will be at Yanni's. It's an Italian joint. Good food and for the price I'm getting it, better enjoy EVERY bite.And on the Christmas front, took an inventory of the gifts I got to go around and I've got a little bit more shopping to do. Darn. Got to wrap and finish up some craftsy projects for gifts. I'm taking Friday off of work, so I'll hopefully make a lot of progress then. One funny thing about the inventory, seems as if I've done more shopping for me than for them - one for them, two for me, one for them, two for . . . .
Hello Folks. Yes I'm still around. Had a good Thanksgiving with the family and a relative that visited from out of town. Otherwise, the weekend was pretty uneventful. Just the way it should be.Here's a funny first paragraph from a newspaper article with a print date of 11/14/08.Headline: Priest: No communion for Obama SupportersColumbia, S.C. - A south Carolina Roman Catholic Priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain form receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion and supporting him "constitutes material cooperation with the intrinsic evil."Blah, blah, blah for the rest of the article.