Thursday, November 29, 2007

Frazzled Daze

The big day is over! I had my third test today in my Statics and Dynamics class. And I actually think I did really well on it. We'll find out on Monday.

Today though, has been a strange day on the personal front. The day started fine as I woke up by alarm clock at 4am as I have for the last several weeks. I laid there longer than normal though, around an hour and a half thinking about problems and reviewing stuff in my head. I started getting sleepy around 9, and decided to take a short cat nap, something I've dubbed "Take 9." I have a timer with me on the couch set for nine minutes and after I stop squirming under the blanket, hit start and drift away. Does wonders I tell ya - EXCEPT for today. I came out of it with the shakes and chills. I just can't figure it out. This crap lasted through the test and carried on through lunch afterwards. It finally started going away when I went for a long walk after eating lunch. Another side affect stuck around a little longer - that is feeling down on myself, depressed if you want to call it that. That finally went away later at work once I got my head wrapped around some work problems.

So I felt good heading out of work and toward the gym. I skipped my late afternoon meal since I wanted to get my ass in the gym to cure the day. The gym was going to be my therapist since the earlier part of the day was so frazzled and I had not been in the gym for about nine day's. So much for therapy. While there, I went into another one of my heavy breathing, numb hands and feet modes. This is something I've been working with the doctor on and he thinks I'm hyperventilating. So this episode happened to be a hard hitter. Hard enough that the gym staff called 911. Things ended up fine and I left on my own accord. One interesting question was randomly asked was "Have you had your blood sugar checked?" "No."

So hence began a web search when I got home (and after I ate I tell ya). "Low blood sugar." Funny thing is a few of the symptoms listed are what I was experiencing. Interesting. Two conditions that can bring it on an episode - skipping a meal and strenuous exercise. Hmmmmm.

So I guess the next step is to do more research into that and mention it to my doctor.

Well will you look at that - it's 11:05 "PM." Well past my bedtime. - Cheers.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Surprise

After a couple of day's at my mom's place, here is a surprise to report - show is more like it . . .
And the day after.
And the temps? Since you all know how much I like cold weather, I won't bother going there.

Overall, had a good stay at mom's house. Did some shopping on Friday and Saturday. Just a little poking around. Nothing serious. Of course, that will change as we get closer to the BIG day. But for now - light action.

Well short note here. Supper is out of the oven and is a combination of several recipes and my creative mind. If it actually turns out, I'll post something later in the week. Cheers!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Happy

Happy Happy You What Day it is You Should Be Happy Day !!!

of Kelly Chow is coming and you know your gonna love very morsel of it. At least I will. Why you ask? Because it's MOM's meal. Just can't beat it. Sitting here writing this while I try to get a glimpseClarkson's video 'Never Again.' Looks like my connection just isn't fast enough. Damn! Sound comes through great thanks to K's awesome speaker donation, but the video has a lot to be desired. Now I'm in Kelly mode and will just HAVE to listen to her on the way to mom's place. It just won't be the same with out her. I mean her - yeah, her. Ya know?

Anyways, went out last night to the bar for some music and hang'en out. The band was good and the conversation was good. This was part of a Meatup event. I've attended several of these. Works out pretty good. Meet some new folks and relax. And bedtime you might be asking? 2AM. I know, EARLY for some of you. But well past my bedtime as of late since I've been hitting the sack around 9:30 or so for the past six or so weeks. Now I've just got to learn the how to make a Singapore Sling. None of the bar hands knew it or could find it. So I had to settle for a Brandy Sling. Which they were able to find in there handy book.

OK, what else is new. Oh! The local Macy's is opening at 4 am tomorrow. 4 am. Mark your calender. Turn the alarm off. Sleep in for a change. I'll be examining the back of my eyelids thank you very much.

Let's see . . . since the weather has started cooling off here, I have yet to turn on the heater. I've hit a new record low in my place - 55 this morning. Burr. And today's high is only going to be around 48. Where'd this come from all of a sudden. Up until this Monday, the daytime temps have been in the upper 60's to low 70's. TALK about spoiled! Now we might get snow this weekend. And here I was, naive as I am, thinking that with the unusually warm weather, I'd be bagging luminaries in a tee-shirt. I'm disappointed now.

Well I suppose it is time to put the finishing touches on this post and head off to mom's place. She lives in Rio Rancho. It will take me about 35 to 45 minutes to get there. But not until I send an email to The Peak radio station asking them for a play list from last night. On the drive home, I heard a new song. Gotta know ya know.

Cheers all and have a wonderful day. And oh, don't forget your body armor tomorrow. and first aid kit. and cell phone with 911 speed dial. and credit card. and . . .

Thursday, November 15, 2007

No Words

Take care K.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


I decided to treat myself to sleeping in this morning - 5:30! How late. What I ended up doing afterwards was dosing off and on for quite a while longer. In the process, I had the following series of dreams . . .

(1) I walk into my lab at work, which is normally very clean, and find a number of small messes. Now this in-of-itself is not unusual since both myself and my lab partner leave messes lying about for the various projects we work on. More so my partner than myself. Although sometimes, my partners messes frustrate me - sometimes. Anyways, as I'm looking about working on a project, I'm getting increasingly frustrated at a mess left behind that's hampering my ability to find some items, and have the space to work on my project in an area of the lab. My frustration and anger increases. At some point, I'm super frazzled while I look on the table for something. Then, I look up and to my left and find this whole row of new (well old) tools lined up like their new wild projects that my partner is dreaming up. A minor panic mode kicks in.

(2) Then, instantly, I'm giving a large group of people a tour of the lab. Some adults, but mostly children. Around, say 4 to 6 years old. Well at this instant, we are all headed towards the exit door and I turn around (I'm leading) and all of the people are taking their lab gowns off! See, I work in a cleanroom environment where we have to wear gowns for particulate control. Well, I'm like - WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING! The gowns are pretty much all off. OK! Let's get everyone out of here. As they are all out, I take one last pass around the lab to see that no one is left and looking down one long hall, I see a toddler, walking around in diapers only, waiving around the lab equipment. I walk over and pick up the child, and proceed to the exit. Then . . .

(3) Flash to me holding the toddler and a baby while still in my cleanroom gown. A woman, in street cloths with no gown, AND we are in the clean lab, is standing next to me and we are both smiling and giggling over how cute the kids are!

Go figure!
I think (1) has to do with what seems to be my increasing insecurities over how I think my boss [might] shows favoritism towards my partner regarding the work myself and he tend to focus on. As far as (2) and (3) go, your guess is as good as mine.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I hear, They hear!

OK, so I've just got to comment on a story this morning on NPR news. It was about some lawsuit against the government saying they are breaking the law by eve dropping on phone lines and now they want some anonymity regarding tapping into emails and web based phone services. All this due to national security.

Well, some folks are very against that.

Here's my two cents - what if you lost someone close and dear due to some radical asshole? Who cares where this asshole came from! al-Qaida, some religious sect, who knows? YOU are going to ask yourself what the government is doing and why they did not foresee this prick coming your way.

THIS is what the government is doing. To think that your individual daily events, while important at your level, could surpass the mundane as seen among the masses is unthinkable.

Think about it.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Oh lookie, it's Friday. Chill'en at home. Tomorrow is my last Saturday class and I'm looking forward to getting my Saturday mornings back. Unfortunately, that means I'll probably not utilize the time wisely. Oh well.

What's on tap for the weekend? Let's see . . . as mentioned, the Saturday class in the morning, a study session afterwards, then I'll spend the eventing with K. Sunday? Laundry !! Yuck. Gotta do it. My folks might come over. We are considering seeing the University of New Mexico Women's Basketball team play. They have a game in the afternoon. But haven't decided yet.

Meanwhile, my test Thursday went crappy. I'll see how I did on Tuesday. Surely, better than my first test - and were not going there, so just keep your curiosity to yourself, okay?

Well, time to sit back on the couch and chill.