Saturday, November 10, 2007


I decided to treat myself to sleeping in this morning - 5:30! How late. What I ended up doing afterwards was dosing off and on for quite a while longer. In the process, I had the following series of dreams . . .

(1) I walk into my lab at work, which is normally very clean, and find a number of small messes. Now this in-of-itself is not unusual since both myself and my lab partner leave messes lying about for the various projects we work on. More so my partner than myself. Although sometimes, my partners messes frustrate me - sometimes. Anyways, as I'm looking about working on a project, I'm getting increasingly frustrated at a mess left behind that's hampering my ability to find some items, and have the space to work on my project in an area of the lab. My frustration and anger increases. At some point, I'm super frazzled while I look on the table for something. Then, I look up and to my left and find this whole row of new (well old) tools lined up like their new wild projects that my partner is dreaming up. A minor panic mode kicks in.

(2) Then, instantly, I'm giving a large group of people a tour of the lab. Some adults, but mostly children. Around, say 4 to 6 years old. Well at this instant, we are all headed towards the exit door and I turn around (I'm leading) and all of the people are taking their lab gowns off! See, I work in a cleanroom environment where we have to wear gowns for particulate control. Well, I'm like - WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING! The gowns are pretty much all off. OK! Let's get everyone out of here. As they are all out, I take one last pass around the lab to see that no one is left and looking down one long hall, I see a toddler, walking around in diapers only, waiving around the lab equipment. I walk over and pick up the child, and proceed to the exit. Then . . .

(3) Flash to me holding the toddler and a baby while still in my cleanroom gown. A woman, in street cloths with no gown, AND we are in the clean lab, is standing next to me and we are both smiling and giggling over how cute the kids are!

Go figure!
I think (1) has to do with what seems to be my increasing insecurities over how I think my boss [might] shows favoritism towards my partner regarding the work myself and he tend to focus on. As far as (2) and (3) go, your guess is as good as mine.

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