Saturday, September 8, 2007

Parade Today

Ahh the opening of the 2007 New Mexico State Fair. What would a Fair be without an opening parade?

The marching bands were there

So was the military
And the accompanying ROTC.
There were plenty of princesses
and low riders.
The fancy cars came out too.
There were a number of dance groups mov'en around
along with this funny car. What a feat!
And there were other assorted, traditional parade stuff . . .

And then, there was the aftermath! Get me out of here - please.


Kiley said...

You meant "princesses". ;-)

Mighty said...

Ahh, immediate correction required. Thanks.

carrie said...

whoops. i see that you have already been hard at work taking pics at the fair. coool. any nighttime pics of the lights?

Mighty said...

Carrie - night lights coming to a blog near you - soon.