Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Day in Review

Let's start with late last night.
- Go to bed at 9:30 in homework frustration.

- Wake up at 3:45am.
- Move bones.
- Roll to floor about 4:15.
- Hit the homework.
- Although sleeeeeepy, manage to have one of the best study sessions I've had yet. Crap made since and I even solved two problems from homework due today.
- Head out the door to class shortly after 10.
- Class at 11.
- No. Comprende. el. Formula. What is this guy saying?
- Blood pressure check at student health center. Was good: 115/67.
- Lunch. Brown bag. Mighty standard.
- Study session in lower section of UNM's Zimmerman Library.
- Frosty. Why does it have to be this cool down here?
- Decent study session! Alert, focused, well . . . . as long as the ladies didn't force me to look at them.
- Gym! Finally got my ass back in there. Sunday was my first day in a year. Now my second. Hard parts over.
- Head back to work at 6:30.
- Find co-worker still there and chit-chat work and personal stuff.
- Home.
- Eat.
- Now.

- Try repeat tonight and in the morning till I have to head out for work. But not before I study a little geometry tonight.

(publishers note: recall that Thursday has become my day off of work with the new 4/10 work schedule.)

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