Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Day 5

Stair steps to heaven. Well, not actually. As day 5 rolled around, we packed up camp and headed out for a few more sightseeing adventures around town. Our first location was Monjeau Fire Lookout. It's WAY up there and the view is . . . well . . . wonderful to say the least.

Here's a little isolated patch of green in the rocks.

And the flowers were out too! Or is that the tail end?

We traveled on a gravel road to get there. Afterwards, we stopped for lunch at a designated campsite along the road. It was nice and the rain just missed us.

Our next pit stop was a walking maze. Neat stuff. We have a corn maze in town that happens every fall. Usually in the month of October. But this one was designated as a year around event tourist trap type of thing to keep the kids out of vacationing moms hair. I did the maze in 16 minutes. The goal is to find each letter of the word MAZE and punch your card as you find the letters, then head to the exit. I find it quite fun.

After that, we hit the road heading south to Alamogordo, New Mexico. But (there's always a but) before we could get there, we ran into more heavy rains on the road. Time to pull over and take some shots.

Gosh, who would drive a car as bent up as that?

We landed in Alamogordo and had not problem finding our accommodations for the evening.

By then, we were all pretty starved. Chow time!

Didn't have to go in for jury duty today and not tomorrow either.


carrie said...

lots of cool pics. i love pics.

Mighty said...

Thanks carrie. I've had a blast with my digital camera since I got it in late spring.