Monday, August 13, 2007

Day 7

OK folks, lets get back to the vacation shall we. It's going on two weeks and I already miss the vacation! Well . . . I think we all miss vacations. They just aren't long enough, are they?

Well day 6 brought us to the tourist trap that is Cloudcroft, New Mexico.

Now, magnify that image by ten or so and you've got the idea. But wait a minute. Is this bad? Does this spell disaster for the vacationing team? Not at all! Remember the words SUCKER written on me and moms foreheads? Ahhh they seen us coming and we knew it.

Well hidden away in the in the sleepy town of Cloudcroft is this plush golf course with a view to match. I'd a never seen it.

The drive back to camp had some nice scenery as well.

Well, it was time for chow and then questions. Like - What do we do now? We know! Back to the sand!

Much more pleasant the third time around. The temps were cooler and we just seemed to have a more relaxing time. Why isn't this in our backyard? But then again, if its handy, your not likely to go there as much.


How about an update on moms chairs. Drum roll please !! BEFORE.


Fix those springs damn it! Survey says . . . much improved.

OK, I've got to inject here. I'm watching this Hell's Kitchen show for some reason. It turns out it's the last show in which the final competition is performed and the winner is announced. I can't stand this tension at the end. The two line up by doors and are to turn their respective handle that opens to a floor below with family and such. Why the crap. Retelling who did what right and wrong and what the winner is going to win. Then the slow ass countdown with the thumping music in the background. Give - me - a - break!

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