Monday, July 16, 2007


Well, it looks like this storm just might wrap back around in my direction. Lots of lightning . . . . elsewhere. Some slight winds around my place, but otherwise, pretty calm. Can hear thunder in the background.

What else is going on? Well did more shopping for my brother after work. Got home around 8:30. And the apartment was really stuffy. I could tell someone else was in the place due to which door locks were locked. Turns out the maintenance guy changed the AC filters and stuff, but forgot to turn the AC back on. Feeling better now that I've got it cooled down to a comfortable 82F. OK OK! Comfortable for me anyway.

Other than that, not much going on. So I'm going to split and R and R for a while and grab a little more to eat. Maybe hope the storm comes in my direction. Sound good? I thought so too.


Kiley said...

Just because I have been slackin' off on my blog doesn't mean you can slack on YOURS... ;-) Get to it, boy!!!

Mighty said...

Yes MAAM !!!!!!