Sunday, August 21, 2011

Accidental Death Offer

Got this offer in the mail for Accidental Death Insurance. As you would guess, there is a list of exclusions. Most do make sense:

1) Death by self injury.
2) Suicide.
3) Death during a criminal activity.
4) Alcohol or any drug unless taken under doctor's direction.
5) Auto collision in which your B.O.L. was above state's legal limit.
6) Any non-commercial aircraft crash.

Some do not:

1) Body or mental disease - How can you plan this!
2) Infection that does not occur as a result of the accident - Now doesn't an infection you didn't ask for that kills you qualify as accidental?
3) Complications from medical treatments - what am I suppose to do? Make no attempt to treat myself and die?
4) Any act of war - like I asked my commander in chief to give me a desk job pushing paper.


Kiley said...

Actually, #5 on the top list of exclusions needs to be better explained. I could understand the exclusion if the person with the high blood-alcohol level was the driving that the accidental death benefit should not be awarded, but picture this scenario: you've been out partying and have a high blood-alcohol level, thus you call a taxi or a designated driver is DRIVING YOU HOME. You end up being killed in a completely random and possibly unavoidable car wreck anyway...since you weren't driving, should you be excluded?

Mighty said...

Very good point. Will have to write this company a letter.