Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Giving Birth

Don't even ask me how I started thinking about the following . . .

Q: When is the best time for a female to consider becoming pregnant?

A: I would reason that early spring would be the best time.

Why: In today's age, it's all the same, but if you think about the olden day's when humans lived more with the elements, then giving birth in the winter months would have the advantage of being cool / cold. The cold would help keep the mother cooler since, in general, a lot of energy is given off during child birth in the form of body heat, sweat, etc. It could also act to slightly numb the woman's midsection, thus reducing the discomfort during child birth.

Note: I'm no midwife, just some random thought I started to analyze.


Rae Macklyn said...

You're not a midwife, but you're also far from a woman...so this input is completely null.

Mighty said...

Oh yes, so true :)