Tuesday, June 8, 2010

China's moving UP.

Better get it while you can afford it. Labor wages in China are finally going up. It's about time in my opinion. So get ready - the day's of $20 DVD players are coming to an end. Remember Layaway? Oh, I'm sorry, your too young to know what that was. That also means instant gratification is gone too. You must now shop, compare features, carefully select, and by golly, be happy with your purchasing decision! Oh wait. You know, I should start a business for Material and Instant Gratification Withdrawal Syndrome. MIGWS for short.

Now I know you say, "What the Fuck!!" Well consider this - just as you desire (for spoiled USA citizens, substitute "expect") to improve your standard of living through higher wages and job advancement, YOUR counterparts around the world have the same goals. Plain and simple - it's human nature.

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