Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Dear Folks,

This week has been somewhat busy. Saturday was a trip to the Grants, NM area to look for camping spots. Found a couple based on the map, but did not care too much for either. One was at a lake, another at a monument. Turned out to be a long day.

Sunday was chore day followed by a Randy Travis concert in the evening. See, local country radio station KRST was celebrating thirty years of radio, so they put on a concert of four country acts with Randy Travis as the head liner. Mr. Travis put on a really good show. Too bad the crowd was light. A shame.

Monday was back to work, but followed by a Singles Meetup at the local triple A baseball club, the Albuquerque Isotopes. Half of me wanted to go with the prospect of meeting someone and the R&R opportunity while the other half just wanted to go home. I surmised that I'm not going to meet anyone if I lock myself in at home. Nothing materialized though.

Tuesday was a pretty standard day. Work, cook evening meal, wash dishes, and feel distressed over all the things I'd like to do, but at the same time, take no action on it.

For today, I left work for a dentist appointment at 3:30. Turns out I have cavities. Yes, those dreaded cavities. Will go back in at the beginning of October to take care of two and then polish off the other two at my next six month general checkup / cleaning. Then it was off to visit mom since, relatively speaking, she was just down the street. She lives in Rio Rancho, NM which is where my long time dentist practices. We went out for supper. Mexican food. Ate too much as usual. A little bit miserable. Just finished up cooking a dish to hold me over several days and finally nailed that black widow I spoke of in a recent post.

On an odd note, I've got this sudden urge to start taking math classes again at the local community college. Start at the beginning - 2 plus 2 anyone? Don't ask me where this is coming from.

Take care folks,

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