Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Here we are, July 7, 2009. It is a Wednesday. It is around 11:30pm. Nothing new except it is a little late for me. Use to be that 11:30 was still early not more than perhaps a year ago. Now look at me - wimp.

I am tired but for some reason have kept myself up tracking the few blogs that I enjoy. These people are prolific "posters." I could not keep up even if I wanted to. I commend them though, for it is those folks who provide a glimpse into another persona and show, in some way, that their life is as ordinary as yours. Not surprisingly, all the blogs I track are with women authors. Go figure.

A that note, here is a personal note on the date scene. I meet this gal at a cupid speed dating event a month or so ago. We have had two meetings. The last meeting was Sunday of last week. I emailed her the next day. A short hello. I've not heard back. I sent her a text on the 4th wishing her a great day. No word. Blah. Over the last month, she has emailed sporadically. So I'm unsure if this is a sign or if she's waiting to be in the proper mood to reply.

Oh well. Tomorrow, I'm planning to see the movie Moon playing at the local art house. Sounds interesting. During the day though, I have to prance around the workplace waiting for a cargo pickup from our facility. Problem is, we do not have a formal shipping and receiving department. On top of that, the material I'm shipping has required a lot of paperwork and effort to schedule. I did a similar shipment two weeks ago and it was miracle the driver and I hooked up. Shall we tip-toe?

Thinking of some good times, I'm headed camping for almost a week! Will head out Saturday, returning Thursday. I'm ready for some down time.

It's 11:50pm. On a Wednesday night. Go figure.


Rae Macklyn said...

Unfortunately, seeing this post in relation to the one entitled "Male Testosterone Fix" leaves little surprise as to why the gal hasn't contacted you again. I think you have some unrealistic expectations in your mind that need to be addressed first. ;-)

Mighty said...

Oh for sure. In a state of denial, I'll say my mind is in the right place. I'm realistic - I think. No word yet from her as of today. Time to move on. Hope all's well with you and P.