Sunday, March 29, 2009

Difficult Mighty at the Helm

Post Highlights:
- Mighty is a difficult person.
- Mighty can not keep his story straight.
- No tent camper photo's.
- My brother's got GOT a job!
- Brother became ill.

Blogger Blog (Mighty):
Initial reports are that Mighty was simply making an effort to connect a FM receiver antenna purchased at Radio Shack last weekend when he contacted the store by telephone (land line) to request technical assistance. Complications arose with [an] apparent miss communication at the start of the conversation. The statement, "I purchased a FM receiver antenna for my FM receiver" was [apparently] received as "I purchased a FM receiver from your store." The store employee who assisted Mighty notes that Mighty was being a difficult customer with an attitude issue who changed his story repeatedly throughout the conversation. The employee hung up on Mighty once, but Mighty persisted with a return call in an effort to resolve the confrontation and find a solution to his technical question. At issue, information regarding the "ohm" rating of the purchased antenna. Mighty indicates that his receiver has two options for antenna hook-up - 75 ohm and 300 ohm. This specification was not written on the product package. The root of the question was resolved and an answer was provided by said salesman. Mighty was unable to thank employee for his time due to prompt hang-up by store person.

Practice setup and closing of new tent camper at the home of Mighty's parents was put on hold for the last two weekends. Reports from the families household was that the brother of Mighty LANDED a job! Family members indicate that brother is now working as a cashier at Wal-mart. Yes, good 'ol Wal-mart. In an interview with the brother, he indicated that working weekends is the rule not the occasional occurrence. So a postponement is planned until the family can have a practice run together. Literature from the tent camper manufacture indicates that the camper is easily setup by one person. The immediate Mighty family say they would like to do it together once so that all can participate in voicing difficulties, opinions and other thoughts of the setup process. "Learn from all not from one" they say. That joint setup was scheduled for this weekend, but at press time, it has been learned that the brother has become ill with the expectation that he will miss a couple of day's of work. Mighty has learned that the sickness mostly likely came from the previous seasonal job he had just started and worked at for one week. Brother has worked this seasonal job for several years and each year became sick just after starting. Once recovered, he was fine for the remaining duration of the seasonal work.

(sorry, I've been reading way to much CNN)

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