Friday, January 30, 2009

blah, blah, blah

In a an online article regarding the current jobs situation . . .

And there's a silver lining to the gloomy clouds over America's economy.

"The good news is it's so bad right now that we will have a definite, noticeable recovery when it comes," Brusca said. "We're getting a lot of adjustment out of the way early."

In other news, got relatives from Michigan visiting our lovely state. Weather wise, certainly a lot more pleasant than Michigan weather. She's been calling family back home who have given high temps of 15 and 19F. No thank you. Took a couple of day's off of work last week. Will take a couple of day's off next week as well. Some nice time off.

Work wise, we are in performance review mode. Help me please. Can't stand it myself, but then again, I have to take my hat off to the boss who is doing a damn good job of staying ahead of the game and forcing us to stay on track to get it done. And this year could no be more important with the state government indicating they are projecting a $450,000 shortfall in the latter half of this physical year due to lost revenue from natural gas and gasoline taxes. And I don't think they are done counting yet. Hence, hats off to my boss. Upper brass of the University are saying there will be no layoff of staff, but my boss thinks otherwise. About half of the states budget goes to educational institutions of one form or another. We'll see.

And now that companies here, just where has this cold wind come from? The last three day's have been pretty darn windy. I hope this is not the spring winds coming already. Normal E.T.A. for that is round mid to late February. That would be a good sign that summer would be here earlier, but with the Northern and Southern Ice continents getting smaller by ever accelerating rates over the last few years . . . Just what are we going to do.

Had my blood pressure taken today for the first time since the doctor took me off the blood pressure meds about two months ago: 138 / 92 - shit!

Well back to the R and R thing. I think I'll check out Carries blog next then call it a night. Will be back at my mom's house tomorrow to hang with company. Will work next week Wednesday and Thursday. I know it's tough, but somebodies got to do it.


Anonymous said...

Want me to write your performance review for you? I know how good ones are done. :-)

Mighty said...

It looks like it is just about wrapped up. Suggestions for next year would be great!