Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 24, 2008


1) Oh - how creative on the post title. Ehh.
2) Let's see - reading in a cookbook the following regarding meets and dairy products:

Foods such as meat, eggs, cheese, chicken, and other animal products produce tightness in the body. They also reduce flexibility and the capacity to respond creatively. In this condition we become more sensitive to external stress and feel that we are always under pressure. On the other hand, too much sugar, soft drinks, spices, tropical fruits, ice cream, chocolate, and similar foods creates hyperactive energy that contributes to the feeling that things are "out of control."

Do YOU relate to this?

3) Saw Trapt in concert Monday night at the Sunshine Theater. Place was packed and they had the nerve to close the upstairs balcony! Give us a break. Good show.

4) Thank God the week is on the downhill slide.

5) I'm going cheap! Got my digital TV converter box tonight at K-mart. I can make the hookups if I only had an S-Video cable. I thought I had one of those suckers provided with the VCR/DVD player I have. Maybe I only think I got one with it. You know, the cable they throw in as a bone that's typically to short to be of any use. The type of cable that generally expands on your use of the English language. Can't find the damn thing.

What else . . . . nope, guess that's it for now. Cheers.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


About time I posted something new. And photo's to boot. For starters, how about a section of a rocky river!

Took that on a recent camping trip. Same thing with this flower.

And now for the photo drum roll please . . . . . we celebrated mom's birthday a couple of weeks ago. Here's what she got between myself and my brother.

Now some folks have a pretty bad or rocky relationship with their mothers. We, on the other had, have a very strong relationship with our mom. We talk or do something every week. Good stuff.

This week, will go to the rodeo at the state fair on Friday. This last Monday, I saw Jenny Lewis at the Sunshine Theater. Good show. Got two Gin-n-tonics. Man they packed a punch. That was some stiff shit I tell you. My head was still spinning the next morning when I got up.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It Has Started

Ah the political word slinging is starting. The mailings are also starting. The Post Office must be making a pretty penny just off of the political mailings. And these ads are great! They only bad mouth one person and at the same time do not promote anyone. The fine print adds a nice touch:

Paid for by the ??? Congressional Campaign Committee, <>. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Your not attempting to sway our thinking are you. Noooo, not at all.

In other news . . . newz? You actually think there is new news? Let's see, going to see this movie tomorrow night for free via some passes. Now I don't remember the name of the movie and if I wasn't too lazy to get the flier from my car, I would tell you folks rather than hold you in suspense.

There's a local football stadium a short distance from where I work. Mostly, they host high school games. I took a bicycle ride over there after work to find out their schedule. Well, no schedules to hand out, but I did find out that there are two games a day held Monday through Friday at 4 and 7pm. I just might go there Friday night for something different. Tickets are 4 bucks ah pop.

Now. Dinner is just about ready to eat, its been cooling a bit on the stove, so it's chow time. Okay.

Chow folks! Get it - Chow. Oh your no fun.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Here we are folks, embarking on another workweek. Which, by the way, starts tomorrow - if ya didn't know. Ya know. Unless of course, your one of those poor souls who had to work this weekend. You know - retail, hospitality, restaurant, security (thank you), health care (another thank YOU). You know, I used to work in one of those fields (restaurant if you just have to know), and you would be surprised at how you get used to working holiday's. I'm not saying you ever really get used to it or ever really like it for that matter, but you just learn that your working just about every holiday (unless a miracle happens) and you just deal with it. It just becomes another working day. But now I'm spoiled since I get those day's off as a working benefit. Ahh I remember the day's.

So today was a potluck picnic with one of the singles groups. No real headway. Played volleyball though and enjoyed it. Although I suck - hard core - I had fun. Many others where in my boat too. It's all good! I know the moves to make and I can visualize what needs to happen in certain situations, but bi golly, there's a problem with execution.

So now that classes started at the University this last week and I'm - umm - not a part of it this semester, I've briefly felt out of place. That was unit we had a couple of cool nights this last week and I thought to myself, "I could actually experience the Fall season this year," and secondly, I was reminded that the 2008 New Mexico State Fair is around the corner. Then I thought, "I could actually go to the Rodeo only night." And since then, I've felt a little bit better. And lets not forget Halloween, thanksgiving, Xmas, crafts shows, etc.

So what am I going to do with my free time. Here are a few things I'd like to accomplish in the next week or two: learn the Russian language, pickup the guitar that's been collecting dust for a number of years, handle my flute, read a number of books, and get back into a steady routine of doing my eye exercises and physical exercises for that matter. Sounds like a tall order! I think I'll need a plan of action. Ummm . . .

A ladder plan, that's it. Something to keep me focused on all these things I've wanted to do for a number of years, but have been too busy with school. I fear though that much of this Fall season will be much like the summer so far. A waste that is. I've fallen into the crack.

Perhaps I'm still in a phase of recuperation or something. We'll have to see. I still feel a bit down on the school front and am in no mood to start something like this. It would seem too much like school. Something I'm very tired of. But then again, I don't really want to start wasting my life away awaiting the next episode of Seinfeld. We shall see.

Well, I'm ready for a break tonight as I rest up a little for the workday tomorrow. I invited my folks over Saturday to hang that picture that's been sitting in the corner for a long time and it turned into a mission to rearrange some furniture and a bunch of the currently hanging pictures. As most of you know, in any effort to clean, it gets worse long before it gets better. It looks better now, but still have a lot of clutter to deal with and a few pictures left to hang. THAT will have to wait. At least the couch is clear. That's all I need to inspect the back of my eyelids.