Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Movie Anyone?

Well I was out Saturday afternoon at Civic Plaza just relaxing and I noticed something down the street. Turns out the street was blocked off and there were a number of strategically placed wrecked cars.

Looked like a movie set if you asked me. Then I noticed a big truck cleaning up the messes on the street. Now it really looked like a movie set. Looks like I was a little late to catch the action. The flags were also at half mass. Don't know if this was state wide or perhaps setup for the movie set.
Other than that, not much else going on. I spent a good part of Sunday in the kitchen making some new stuff. One was Orange Marmalade. Another item was Mushroom Catchup. Orange Marmalade turned out well. Mushroom catchup on the other hand . . . needs some work. Later I cooked a Spanish dish - improvised. Turned out pretty good.

Now on the same note, I found my packet of deli chicken on the counter when I got home tonight. I must have left it out this morning when I was getting lunch setup. Well it still smells and sort of taste OK, but it seems to have a bit of an aftertaste. So much for chicken!

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