Saturday, October 27, 2007

I Predict

I predict - Boston Red Sox win in 4.


How funny . . . Jessica Biel tells the paparazzi to "Get a Job." Story here. What a truth seeker. Perhaps Dreamer is more like it.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Knee Me

Here we are back in the saddle on a Saturday afternoon / evening. Nothing much new on the home front except that I started going to the doctor last week for some physical therapy on my left knee. It's just a "bulge" if you will on my knee. Doctor said its fluid buildup and he could probably just drain it, but most likely it would return. So he said physical therapy is the way to go.

Anyways, reading the contract you have to sign before they will treat you has this interesting statement that revolves around the indication that some of the Physicians, Residents, Medical Students, and Nurses may be that of independent contractors:

(1) I have received adequate notification of this relationship and that the hospital is released from liability and is not legally responsible for the acts or omissions of such individuals.

(2) The hospital has not represented or taken any other action to induce me to believe that the physicians, residents, medical students and nurses are employees or agents of the hospital.

Hmmm. Talk about wiping your hands clean.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Okay ladies, here's the question I'm curious about. Yes, I'm inhuman for asking the question, but I'm - curious . . .

When guy's stare at you, do you like it? Scorn it? Else? And if we don't look or stare at you? What then?

Please !!! I'm too young to die over this question.

Curious George Signing off.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Balloons !!!

More balloons folks. The weather was cold but darn nice and the balloons headed North as usual. So I got in the car and headed that way too. Click on the pics for a larger view.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Left - Right Balloons

And it's Saturday night here in the land of my apartment in the middle of the desert that has been modified through the advent of modern technological advances that allow us mortals to live in the desert with the ease and comfort of running water, shelter, waste management, modern electricity, in the comfort of artificial environmental weather controls.

Don't ask.

Anyways, as stated in a recent post, the Balloon Fiesta is going on here. Here's a couple of photo's from last weekend. They actually came down in my direction. That is, traveled south. Usually, they travel north - in the direction of my mom's place. So this was a welcome change.

I haven't decided if I'm going to the mass ascension tomorrow. It will be the last day of the Fiesta. We'll see how I feel in the morning and for that matter, how the studies are going. I'm doing well on the homework front, but I cannot start slacking too much. Wait - slack ??? Oh! That's my middle name.

On the sleep front, that finally caught up with me on Wednesday night. So much for getting up early to on Thursday to study. But wait!! Bout two came again Thursday night. I think I made a connection though to body temperature - ie, getting hot. After tossing and turning for an hour, I shed some covers, opened the window, and nighty-night. Sleep tight.

Ummmmm, oh yes. What a coincidence of this to happen. In my Saturday class on College Success last week, we studied the different types of learners. Well later in the week, a coworker emailed the following website here. Check it out! Find out if your a dominant right brain or left brain person. Pretty COOL.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Why can't I sleep? Here's the drill folks.

Day - Bed - Wake
Sunday - 10 - 2:30am
Monday - 10:30 - 2:30am
Tuesday - 11:00 - 3:30am

What's up with this crap? Granted I do have the alarm set for 4am to score a little study time before I get ready for work, but - this is ain't happening. By the time the alarm really does go off, I'm feeling too beat to get up!

What Gives.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

College Success

Oh what a busy day. It all started off with the start of a short five week course at CNM on College Success. It's a one credit hour course that will meet on Saturday's fro 9 - 12 at their Montoya Campus.
Even though I've been going to school for centuries, I figure I can't loose by taking this class. I'm sure there will be something to learn on time management, study skills, memory skills, learning styles, and other related topics. My general philosophy is to go into every class with an open mind. For if you close it like a know-it-all, then you truly will learn nothing.

Then it was lunch and study for a few hours. Stop at the store, swing by home for a bite to eat, then laundry. And here we are folks. What a Day!

So you might be saying, "How boring. Normal life!" Ok, Ok, cut me a little slack here. I could mention how it's been somewhat windy all day, but I won't. I could talk about getting up at 4:30 this morning, but nah. How about that the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta started today. Missed it because they were up and down by 8:30 and I was Mr. Bookworm.

How about this little tid-bit while I listen to Kelly Clarkson's How I feel. The Universities Crime report came out. Let's look at some reported figures for the 2006 year, shall we. Burglary - 55. Motor Vehicle Theft - 69. And how about this figure: Liquor Law Violations - 23. Somehow, I don't believe it. That figures fudged I tell ya.

Then I could babble about this new singles club I went too on Thursday night. The topic of the event . . . . Online Profiles. A real blast! Pass around profiles and critique them. Of course, I did not bring mine because the original description for the event was suppose to be on your "online profile photo." "So bring your camera!" Well, something different in the end. No mates, but meat some interesting folks.

What else, what else - Harry Potters playing at the dollar theater. Might check it out later this week. No class next Thursday as the University is having Fall Break. Two day's off of classes. It won't be long enough.

Well, I think that just about wraps up the week. Until next time . . .

Move forward with vigor. For nothing happens when you stand still.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Vote When?

Today was voting day. Just one city councillor seat to fill and a bunch of city bonds and city charter proposition changes. It's a catch 22 type of voting. Not many voters show up because the items to vote for do not constitute anything major. But if you wait for these types of things to show up on a major voting ticket, people will complain that there's too much crap to vote on. Just can't win.

Anyways, I'd like to comment on the bonds. Regardless of the bond - parks, libraries, transportation, etc., they all seem to have the same look and feel:

'Shall the City of ? issue $$$ of its general obligation bonds to design, develop, study, construct, modernize, automate, renovate, rehabilitate, recondition, landscape, furnish, enhance and otherwise improve, and to acquire land, vehicles, apparatus, and equipment for [said institution].'

Makes it easy. Just read the institution and you know the rest.