Thursday, February 25, 2010


Let's see . . .
1) Olympics - I've noticed while watching the 2010 Winter Olympics that at times there seems to be discussions emphasizing particular athletes as the most decorated due to the number of metals they have won. Speed skater Apollo Ono is a prime example. Here's what I see - how can one relish success based on their metal's count. Some sports (insert Speed Skating example here) allow an athlete many opportunities for metals because the races are short and pointed. Think about the athletes who must work very hard to win their coveted metal. Ice skating dancers must train and compete in four different dances to win their metal. Hockey teams play a number of games to win their birth. Something doesn't add up here.

2) Computer problems - working to fix my brothers computer. He's got some viruses and such AVG is not clearing up for some reason. It's a Dell Home computer. What have I learned so far: F8 gets you into Safe Mode, back UP your systems registry before you make changes (better to learn late than not at all), there is an absolute ton of information on the Internet regarding virus and malware symptoms and correction solutions, have patience (a bag next to your computer chair comes in handy to collect your hair as you pull it out), have a second computer handy to do searches on the Web while your patient remains off the WWW and therefore isolated.

3) I miss my Dollhouse. Why can't they keep a show that I like. I'm in withdrawal mode. At least Fringe is still on.

4) Tired. The week is almost over.

5) Olympics again - Watched some of the pairs ice dancing the other day. This was the one in which all dancers do something like the Tango (I think they called it the compulsory dance). It's the same dance, the same music, the same steps. Just how do the judges grade you?

6) Movie Home - saw it last night at the local movie art house theater. Liked it a lot. Slow, but the story sucks you in on the emotional front.

7) SDFix still running - Its been an hour for this malware check. It's free, so I can't complain.

8) Bed time.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


"The truth is . . . no one wants to be rejected."

- The show Life Unexpected.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It Starts

The Superbowl pregame show started at 11. Five hours before the game . . . .

. . . . I think I'll be wore out before the game even starts.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Big Day

Plans for tomorrow? Why not join the rest of America. Will do a Superbowl party with the Singles group. Should be interesting. There will be a potluck as well. I'll take a couple of dishes.