I've got an Alltel cell phone and I got this letter in the mail last week:Dear Mighty:We are pleased to announce that Verizon Wireless has purchased Alltel and work is underway to combine the operations for the two companies.Just how can Alltel be pleased about this! You folks just got bought out. I suppose this is just attempting to put a positive light on the situation and to make you feel great about going to Verizon.Well, brother is getting better from his sickness. He went to the doctor for meds and missed a couple day's of work. Now mom is getting the crud. Boo!Been watching Jay Leno's opening monologue on The Tonight Show. Got started on it Monday and Wednesday nights because I get home from the gym late those nights and I'm usually eating at that time. He's got a pretty funny section lately with the plug "The economy is so bad . . ." and off he goes.The economy is so bad, teens in Beverly Hills are driving used cars.The economy is so bad, women have switched to duck tape for waxes.The economy is so bad, the Eveready Bunny keeled over dead!Went to another Dirty Thirties Event last night - Happy Hour. Was fun. Went to bed late, got up late. .. .. OK, OK, 9:30! Late for me, early for others.Well, time for a short nap and then off to the gym. I think I'll stick with cardio today. They got this new machine in that is like a bicycle, but for your arms. I snickered at it for a while, gave it a try the other day. WOW. I'm sold.